Vol. 10, No 3, 2003 pp. 101 - 105
UC 577.21 
Tatjana Mitrović
Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: tatjanamitrovic@hotmail.com

Summary. The ability to introduce isolated DNA into eukaryotic cells has tremendous influence on advance in molecular biology. During the past decades, a wide repertoire of gene transfer techniques has evolved. Recently, with the development of attractive strategies for gene therapy, successful gene delivery has gained importance again and become a major challenge in this field. The purpose of this article is to summarise available gene transfer systems, their principles, advantages and limitations.
Key words: Gene transfer, viral vectors, non viral vectors

Kratak sadržaj: Mogućnost unošenja DNK u eukariotske ćelije je imala ogroman uticaj na napredak molekularne biologije. Tokom proteklih decenija, razvijen je široki repertoar tehnika sa ovom svrhom. U skorije vreme, sa pojavom privlačnih strategija za gensku terapiju, problemi uspešnog transfera gena postaju ponovo aktuelni. U ovom radu je dat pregled metoda za transfer gena, njihovih prednosti i ograničenja, kao i mehanizama na kojima su zasnovane.
Ključne reči: Transfer gena, virusni vektori, nevirusni vektori