Vol. 10, No 2, 2003 pp. 57 - 61
UC 616.61:616.31]:615.33 
Gh. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi
Dept. of Nephrology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" Timisoara

Summary. In our study we want to reveal the role of dental foci, compared to other localized infections, in the evolution of glomerular nephropathies. Therefore we followed up the link between the presence of these foci and the flare-up of glomerular nephropathies, with or without renal failure.
A number of 328 patients with glomerulonephritis, primary or secondary, hospitalized in the Nephrology Department of Timisoara during the period 1997-2002, were studied retrospectively. The patients were split up in 4 groups.
The 240 patients of the control group (glomerulonephritis without any infection) had the following mean values of BUN, serum creatinine and proteinuria: 84.10+/-69.85 mg%, 3.11+/-2.97 mg%, 2.33+/-1.79 g/24h.
In the 52 patients with infections other than dental foci we observed, after antibiotic treatment, a statistically significant decrease of proteinuria (from 2.51+/-1.75 g/24h to 1.96+/-1.27 g/24h) and of BUN (from 125.10+/-78.97 to 104.3+/-63.25 mg%).
In the 16 patients with dental foci associated with other infections we observed, after antibiotic +/- stomatologic treatment, a statistically significant decrease of proteinuria (2.34+/-1.74 g/24h- 1. 76+/-1.4 g/24h).
Concerning the 20 patients with dental foci, mean proteinuria decreased from 2.11+/-1.63 g/24h to 1.79+/-1.26 g/24h.
In some patients, after stomatological treatment, we observed an increase of proteinuria, BUN or serum creatinine, possibly due to the treatment of the localized infection, despite a correct prophylactic antibiotic treatment that could not prevent interactions of the dental foci with the kidney.
Key words: Glomerulonephritis, dental foci, localized infections, antibiotic prophylaxis
Kratak sadržaj: U ovoj studiji mi želimo da ukažemo na značaj dentalnih fokusa, u poređenju sa drugim lokalizovanim infekcijama, u evoluciji glomerularnih nefropatija. Zbog toga smo analizirtali povezanost prisustva ovih fokusa i glomerularnih nefropatija, sa i bez bubrežne insuficijencije.
Retrospektivno je analizirano 328 bolesnika sa primarnim ili sekundarnim glomerulonefritom, hospitalizovanih u Odeljenju za nefrologiju u Temišvaru u periodu 1997-2002. Bolesnici su podeljeni u četiri grupe.
Kontrolnu grupu je činilo 240 bolesnika (glomerulonefritis bez infekcije) sa srednjim vrednostima BUN, serumskim kreatininom i proteinurijom: 84,10+/-69,85 mg%, 3,11+/-2,97 mg%, 2,33+/-1,79 g/24h
Pokazano je da kod 52 bolesnika sa infekcijama i bez dentalne fokaloze, posle lečenja antibioticima statistički značajno se smanjuje proteinuruija (od 2,51+/-1,75 g/24h na 1,96+/-1,27 g/24h i BUN (od 125,10+/-78,97 na 104,3+/-63,25 mg%).
Kod 16 bolesnika sa dentalnom fokalozom udruženom sa drugim infekcijama zapazili smo da posle stomatološkog i tretmana antibioticima dolazi da statistički značajnog smanjenja proteinurije (2,34+/-1,74 g/24h - 1.76+/-1,4 g/24h)
Kod 20 bolesnika sa dentalnom fokalozom srednja vrednost proteinurije se smanjila sa 2,11+/-1,63 g/24h na 1,79+/-1,26 g/24h. Kod nekih bolesnika posle stomatološkog tretmana zabeležen je porast proteinurije, BUN-a ili serumskog kreatinina, verovatno zbog tretmana lokalne infekcije, uprkos adekvatne profilaktičke primene antibiotika koja nije mogla da prevenira interakciju dentalnih fokusa sa bubrezima.
Ključne reči: Glomerulonefritis, dentalna fokaloza, lokalizovana infekcija, antibiotska profilaksa