Vol. 9, No 3, 2002 pp. 236 - 239
UC 616.31:616-002.828
Dragica Dačić Simonović1, Branislava
Kocić2, Nataša Stanković Nedeljković3,
Jovanka Gašić1, Stefan Dačić1,
Nadica Jovanović3
1Faculty of Medicine Niš - Stomatologic
Clinic Niš
2Institute of Public Health, Niš, Serbia
3Clinical Laboratory Department, Healt
Center Aleksinac, Serbia
E-mail: daniloda@eunet.yu
Summary. A healthy oral cavity represents a complex microsystem
changeable in a number and type of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protosoa.
Bacterial flora is different on different areas of tooth. These areas were
cllassified as open and closed ecosystems. The surfaces of enamel and exposed
dentin and cementum, with dental plaque, could be considered as open tooth
ecosystems. The root channel could be seemed as closed dentin ecosystem.
The aim of this study was to isolate and identify prevalent microorganisms
- dental plaque (open ecosystem)
- infected root channel (closed ecosystem)
The investigated group included 30 adult patients with Periodontitis
periapicalis. The most common type of periodontitis was Periodontitis periapicalis
chronica granulomatosa (63%). Both, paque and channel swabs were taken,
at the same time, from the same tooth. Swab were immediately disseminated,
in a dentist's office, on the medium for anaerobic, microarephilic and
aerobic cultivation.
Mediums for aerobic cultivation were incubated 20 hours in a thermostat
at 37°C. Microaerophil and anaerobic condition were achieved by means of
GAS-PAC bags (bio Merieux, Torlak).
Members of streptococcus species were identified by the folowing methods:
API-STREPTO system and SLIDEX STREPTO-Kit (bio Merieux) and by folowing
tests: optohin, bacitracin, CAMP. Yeastes of Candida species were identified
after incubation of 7 days, at the temperature of 37°C from Sabourad base.
The polimorphic bacterial flora and Candida were isolated from plaque
and channel swabs. The most common species of microbs in dental plaque
were Streptococci spp. (nonhemolitics and viridans group). The most common
species of microorganisms, in channel swabs, were Prevotella - Porphyromonas
group or gram negativ bacills. Porphyromonas gingivalis had been found
in 60% of channel swabs and in 20% of plaque swabs (statistical significans
of p < 0.05).
In a closed ecosystem (root channel) Streptococci decreased whereas
Lactobacilli increased.
Key words: Teet, infection, bacteria, candida
Kratak sadržaj: Zdrava usna duplja je složeni mikro sistem, promenljiv
u broju i tipu bakterija, gljivica, virusa i protozoa. Na zubnom organu
se razlikuju otvoreni i zatvoreni eko sistemi ili polja zuba koje karakteriše
različita bakterijska flora.
Cilj ovog rad bio je utvrđivanje mikrobiologije a) zubnog plaka (otvoreni
ekosistem) b) inficiranog kanala korena (zatvoreni ekosistem). Obrađeno
je 30 briseva odraslih pacijenata sa dijagnozom periapikalnog parodontita.
Najčešći tip parodontita bio je Periodontitis periapicalis chronica granulomatosa
(63%). Od svake ispitivane osobe istovremeno su uzimani bris supragingivalnog
plaka i kanala korena, sa istog zuba. Brisevi su zasejavani u stomatološkoj
ordinaciji, neposredno po uzimanju, prvo na podloge za anaerobnu a zatim
na podloge za mikroaerofilnu i aerobnu kultivaciju. Podloge za aerobno
kultivisanje inkubirane su u termostatu na 37°C, 20 časova. Mikro aerofilni
i anaerobni uslovi postizani su pomoću GAS-PAC kesica (bioMerieux, Torlak).
Pripadnici roda Streptococcus identifikovani su sledećim metodama: APO-STREPTO
sitemom i SLIDEX STREPTO-KIT-om (bioMerieux) kao i testovima sa optohin-om,
bacitracin-om, CAMP. Kvasnice iz roda Candida identifikovane su posle inkubacije
od 7 dana, na temperaturi od 37°C, sa Sabourad podloge.
Iz briseva plaka i briseva kanala korena izolovana je polimorfna bakterijska
Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja briseva plaka pokazali su dominaciju
Streptokoka (nehemolitičkih i viridans grupe) u suprafingivalnom plaku.
Rezultati ispitivanja briseva kanala korena istakli su najveću zastupljenost
gram negativnih anaerobnih bacila, Prevotella - Porphyromonas grupe u inficiranom
kanalu korena.
Razlika u zastupljenosti Pporphyromonas gingivalisa u brisevima kanala,
u odnosu na briseve plaka, bila je statistički značajna za nivo značajnosti
p < 0,05.
U zatvorenom ekosistemu (kanal korena) Streptokoke su bile u opadanju,
dok se broj Laktobacila povećavao.
Ključne reči: Zubi, infekcija, bakterije, kandida