Vol. 9, No 3, 2002 pp. 217 - 222
UC 618.1:616-002.828]:616-036.87  
Suzana Tasić1, Nataša Tasić1, Aleksandar Tasić2, Sanja Mitrović3
11Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Niš
2Public Health Institute Niš, Serbia
3Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Beograd, Serbia

Summary. A most interesting fact for scientific investigations is that 5% of women are afflicted with recurrent genital candidosis (RGC) characterized by three or more genital, fungal infection episodes per a year. The data analysis is also interesting because it reveals that the most significant risk factors such as pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, long term use of antibiotics and citostatics, hormonal therapy and idiopathic or acquired immunodeficient conditions have not been verified.
There are many different hypotheses about RGC pathogenesis, but two of them have set the course for further research. The first maintains that antimycotic therapy leads to eradication of Candida fungi from vaginal mucosa and that the recurrent episodes of genital candidosis are caused by re-infection. The second hypothesis has an absolutely opposite starting ground. According to this theory, the frequent RGC episodes have been caused by a failure to eradicate Candida sp. from female genital tract. According to this theory, RGC is not caused by re-infection, but by relapse.
Key words:  Recurrent genital candidosis, reinfection, relapse

Kratak sadržaj: Podaci iz referentne literature ukazuju da 5% žena boluje od rekurentne genitalne kandidoze (RGK), bolesti koju karakteriše tri ili više epizoda gljivične genitalne infekcije u toku godine. Zanimljivost ove statističke realnosti je u tome da kod ovih žena najznačajniji faktori rizika kao što su trudnoća, diaebetes mellitus, dugotrajna upotreba antibiotika, citostatika, hormonske terapije, idiopatska i stečena imunodeficijentna stanja ostaju neverifikovani.
Postoji znatan broj raznorodnih hipoteza o patogenezi RGK, ali su dve hipoteze uslovile glavne tokove istraživanja.
Jedna teorija zastupa stav da terapija antimikoticima sprovodi eradikaciju gljiva roda Candida sa vaginalne mukoze i da je ponovljena epizoda genitalne kandidoze posledica reinfekcije.
Druga hipoteza ima za osnovu dijametralno suprotnu pretpostavku. Po ovoj teoriji česte epizode RGK posledica su neeradikacije Candida sp. iz genitalnog trakta žene, odnosno posledica su recidiva.
Ključne reči: Rekurentna genitalna kandidoza, reinfekcija, recidiv