Vol. 9, No 3, 2002 pp. 195 - 200
UC 616-089.84:611.61]:616.89 
Slobodan Ilić1, Marina Avramović2
1Society for Liaison Psychiatry, Niš, Serbia
2Institute for Nephrology and Hemodialysis, Medical faculty, Niš, Serbia
  E-mail: lorens@bankerinter.net
Summary. Deciding between the dialysis and kidney transplantation is very delicate and requires multi-phase discus-sions with the patient and his family. Transplantation carries along numerous psychological implications affecting both, the kidney donor and the kidney recipient. The attitude towards transplantation differ in relation to the age, edu-cation level and character features of the patient. The starting of the transplantation procedure is paradoxically both complicated and facilitated but the fact that there is always a medical alternative in the form of hemodialysis. The psychological adaptation of the donor and the recipient to transplantation occasionally actualizes intrapsychological conflicts, which should be studied and recognized in time. Considering the significant psycho-sociological implica-tions in all its stages, the method of transplantation soon indicates the need for a psychiatrist as a member of a multidisciplinary team.
Key words:  Transplantation, hemodialysis, donor, recipient, intrapsychological conflict

Kratak sadržaj: Transplantacija bubrega predstavlja medicinski postupak prožet višestrukim psihičkim implikacijama vezanim za davaoca i primaoca. Odluka pacijenta da se povrgne transplantaciji ili ostane na hemodijalizi je veoma delikatna i podrazumeva uključenje porodice. Činjenica da hemodijaliza postoji kao alternativni postupak, može umnogome da olakša, ali paradoksalno i oteža donošenje odluke. Psihološki stav prema transplantaciji zavisi od mnogih faktora, godina starosti, obrazovanja i karakternih osobina pacijenta. Psihološka adaptacija donora i primaoca na transplantaciju aktuelizuje intrapsihičke konflikte čije pravovremeno prepoznavanje umnogome olakšava pre i posttransplantacini tretman. S obzirom na značajne psiho-socijalne reperkusije u svim fazama transplantacionog postupka, naglašena je uloga psihijatra u multidisciplinarnom timu.
Ključne reči: Transplantacija bubrega, hemodijaliza, davalac bubrega, primalac bubrega, intrapsihički konflikt