Vol. 9, No 2, 2002 pp. 171 - 174
UC 591.438+591.81
Biljana B. Stojimirović1,
Miljana M. Obradović3, Dušan P. Trpinac3,
Drago D. Milutinović2,
Dragan I. Obradović4, Vidosava B. Nešić1
1Institute of
Nephrology and 2Urology , Clinical Center
of Serbia, Belgrade
3Institute of
Histology, 4Institute of Pharmacology,
Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology,
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Summary. We examined 20 healthy persons (kidney donors). Small samples
of parietal peritoneum were taken during the surgical operation for kidney
extirpation. To avoid artificial damage owing to the extreme fragile of
peritoneal tissue, the biopsies were treated with special care. The samples
were prepared in the standard way for study by transmission electron microscopy.
In order to preserve the fine structure of lamellar bodies, we used a fixative
mixture including gluthar aldehyde and tannic acid.
The aim of our study was to investigate the localization and ultrastructure
of lamellar bodies of peritoneum in order to contribute to finding out
their physiological function and importance for this tissue.
Special round or oval multilaminar structures – lamellar bodies could
be recognized among microvilli of peritoneal mesothelial cells apical plasma
membrane. Lamellae were organized as concentric bilaminar structures –
one of the layers was osmiophilic (dark, electron-dense), the next one
was electron-lucent. The lamellar bodies were noticed in mesothelial cells
cytoplasm, and were released from the cells by process of exocytosis. For
some time after exocytosis, lamellar bodies with regular structure were
recognized among the microvilli. Afterwards, probably because of the process
of swelling, lamellar bodies had been loosing the regular geometrical structure
and were recognized on our photomicrographs with only a few lamellae and
a free central part,. Lamellar bodies could also be seen between two adjacent
mesothelial cells, above and in the cellular junctions, possibly contributing
to the intercellular sealing and prevention of paracellular transport.
We recognized lamellar bodies in lamina propria just below the mesothelial
cells, as well as in endothelial cells of peritoneal blood vessels.
Key words: Mesothelium, endothelium, peritoneum, ultrastructure,
lamellar bodies
Kratak sadržaj: Biopsije peritoneuma uzete su od 20 zdravih dobrovoljaca,
donora bubrega za transplantaciju. Isečci tkiva dobijani su tokom hirurškog
zahvata uzimanja bubrega. Uzorci su standardno pripremljeni za transmisionu
elektronsku mikroskopiju (TEM). Da bi se sačuvala struktura lamelarnih
tela, koristili smo mešavinu fiksativa glutar aldehida i taninske kiseline.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se detaljno ispita morfologija i lokalizacija
lamelarnih tela peritoneuma zdravih osoba da bi se doprinelo utvrdjivanju
njihove uloge.
Multilaminarne strukture, lamelarna tela, okruglog ili ovalnog oblika,
zapažala su se izmedju mikrovila apikalne membrane mezotelnih ćelija peritoneuma.
Lamele su bile organizovane kao koncentrične bilaminarne strukture – jedna
lamela bila je tamna (veće elektronske gustine), dok je susedna bila svetla
(male elektronske gustine). Lamelarna tela su nadjena i u citoplazmi mezotelnih
ćelija, iz kojih su sekretovana egzocitozom. Neko vreme nakon egzocitoze,
izmedju mikrovila su zapažena lamelarna tela regularne strukture, a zatim,
verovatno kao posledica procesa bubrenja, lamelarna tela gube pravilnu
geometrijsku strukturu i mi ih, na fotomikrografijama, uočavamo sa samo
nekoliko lamela na periferiji i praznim centralnim delom. Lamelarna tela
mogu takodje biti zapažena izmedju dve susedne mezotelne ćelije, iznad
ili u okviru medjućelijske veze, sa mogućom ulogom sprečavanja paracelularnog
transporta. Lamelarna tela takodje su nadjena u vezivnom tkivu kao i u
endotelnim ćelijama krvnih sudova lamine proprije peritoneuma.
Ključne reči: Mezotel, endotel, peritoneum, ultrastruktura,
lamelarna tela