Vol. 9, No 2, 2002 pp. 166 - 170
UC 618.2+615.2 
Zoran Poptrajković1, Stevo Najman2, Borislav Kamenov3, Vojin Savić4, Ivan Bubanović5
1Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetretics, KC, Niš
2Institute of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Niš
3Children's Internal Clinic, KC, Nis
4Institute of Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, Niš
5Department of Gynecology and Obstetretics, Health Center Gnjilane, Yugoslavia

Summary. Factors of making and keeping immunotolerance in pregnancy mainly affect immunocompetent cells by immunosuppressive factors or moving of Th1/Th2 balance in favour of Th2 response. Errors made in making and keeping immunotolerance in pregnancy can lead to clinic entities such as resorption of fetoplacental unit, miscarriage and reduced placental and fetal weight. Besides, production of sex steroids in the yellow body of gravidity and later in the fetoplacental unit depends on the factors such as prostaglandins and cytokines. The significance of paternal and maternal MHC (in)compatibility of rats for the number of embryos, percentage of embryos in resorption, placental and fetal weight and the level of serum steroids were tested in our experiment. Specimens taken for this investigation were syngene Sprague Doley (SD) and Wistar (W). The rats of SD and W lineage were treated by indometacin of 2.1-2.8 mg/kg daily by giving them drinking water in the period of 6-18 day of pregnancy. Stimulation of Th1 response by indometacin in allogenic pregnancy led to resorption of 56% embryos while the rate of resorption in the control group of W rats was 12%. Syngene SD animals treated by indometacin did not show a significantly higher rate of embryos in resorption (8.14%) than the ones in the control group (5.13%) Acceleration of Th1 response by indometacin led to activation of decidual CTL and NK cells as well as to intensified expression of MHC antigens on the cells of trophoblast. In allogenic pregnancy this resulted in the increased resorption of embryos, while in SYNGENIC pregnancy acceleration of Th1 response did not result in increased resorption of embryos. Besides, indometacin leads to the significant fall of the level of serum progesterone and oestradiol notwithstanding the MHC compatibility of pregnancy However, the level of serum progesterone in W rats treated by indometacin is significantly lower than in SD rats also treated by indometacin. This result shows the possibility of greater damage of trophoblast in MHC incompatible pregnancies under the influence of indometacin or greater activities of cytokine of Th1 group, which inhibits synthesis of sex steroids.
Key words:  Pregnancy, indometacin, progesterone, oestradiol, prostaglandin, immunomodulation,
Th1 and Th2 response

Kratak sadržaj: Faktori uspostavljanja i ordržavanja gravidarne imunotolerancije uglavnom deluju direk-tno imunosupresivno na imunokompetentne ćelije ili na pomeranje Th1/Th2 balansa u korist Th2 odgovora. Greške u uspostavljanju i održavanju gravidarne imunotolerancije dovode od kliničkih entiteta kao što su resorpcija feto-placentne jedinice, spontani pobačaj, smanjena placentna i fetalna masa. Osim toga, produkcija polnih ster-oida u žutom telu trudnoće, a kasnije u feto-placentnoj jedinici je zavisna od faktora kao što su prostaglandini i cito-kini. U našem eksperimentu je ispitivan značaj paternalne i maternalne MHC (in)kompatibilnosti pacova na brojnost plodova, procenat plodova u resorpciji, placentnu i fetalnu masu i nivo serumskih steroida. Kao eksperimentalni model su poslužili singeni Sprague Doley (SD) i alogeni Wistar (W) pacovi. Pacovi soja SD i W su tretirani indo-matacinom 2,1-2,8 mg/kg dnevno kroz pijaću vodu od 6. do 18. dana trudnoće. Stimulacija Th1 odgovora indo-metacinom je u alogenoj trudnoći dovela do resorpcije 56% plodova dok je stopa resorpcije u kontrolnoj grupi W pacova bila 12,5%. Singene SD životinje tretirane indometacinom nisu pokazale značajno veću stopu plodova u re-sorpciji (8,14%) od kontrolne grupe (5,13%). Akceleracija Th1 odgovora indometacinom je dovela do aktivacije de-cidualnih Tc i NK ćelija, kao i do pojačane ekspresije MHC antigena na ćelijama trofoblasta. U slučaju alogene trudnoće, ovo je rezultovalo povećanom resorpcijom plodova, dok u singenoj trudnoći akceleracija Th1 odgovora nije rezultovala povećanjem resorpcije plodova. Osim toga, indometacin dovodi do značajnog pada nivoa serumskog progesterona i estradiola bez obzira na MHC kompatibilnost trudnoće. Međutim, nivo serumskog progesterona kod W pacova tretiranih indometacinom je značajno niži nego kod SD pacova takođe tretiranih indometacinom, što ukazuje na mogućnost većeg oštećenja trofoblasta u MHC inkopatibilnim trudnoćama pod uticajem indo-metacina ili veće aktivnosti citokina Th1 grupe koji inhibišu sintezu polnih steroida.
Ključne reči: Trudnoća, indometacin, progesteron, estradiol, imunomodulacija, Th1 i Th2 odgovor