Vol. 8, No 1, 2001 pp. 6 - 10
UC 616.23 
Miloš Filipović 1, Snežana Cekić 2
1 Institute of Pulmonary diseases Niš
2 Institute of Physiology, University School of Medicine, Niš, Yugoslavia
e-mail: milosfilip@yahoo.com

Summary. Asthma is a common respiratory disease. The prevalence of asthma has been increasing over the past twenty years in most countries, and it affects up to 10% of the population of developed countries. Airway inflammation is a major factor in the pathogenesis of asthma. The presence of peripheral blood eosinophilia and activated eosino-phils in the chronic inflammatory infiltrate of the airways is a characteristic of both allergic and non-allergic asthma. This review article describes the mechanisms of eosinophillic inflammation in asthma: eosinophilopoiesis, role of eo-sinophil growth factors (IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF), phases in the recruitment of eosinophils from bone marrow to air-way mucosa, activation and eosinophil effector functions in the pathogenesis of asthma.
Key words: Eosinophils, asthma, inflammation, cytokines, chemokines

Kratak sadržaj: Astma je česta respiratorna bolest. Tokom poslednjih dvadeset godina u većini zemalja prevalencija astme beleži porast, i zahvata do 10% stanovništva u razvijenim zemljama. Zapalenje disajnih puteva je glavni faktor u patogenezi astme. Prisustvo eozinofilije periferne krvi i aktivisanih eozinofila u hroničnom zapalenjskom infiltratu disajnih puteva, je karakteristično i za alergijski i nealergijski oblik astme. Ovaj pregledni članak opisuje mehanizme eozinofilne inflamacije u astmi: eozinofilopoiezu, ulogu faktora rasta eozinofila (IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF), faze u prelasku eozinofila iz kostne srži do sluzokože disajnih puteva, aktivaciju i efektorske funkcije eozinofila u patogenezi astme.
Ključne reči: Eozinofili, astma, zapalenje, citokini, hemokini