Vol.7, No 1, 2000 pp. 107 -115
UC 578.084
Jovica Jovanović, Milan Jovanović, Natalija Vuković
Institute for Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Yugoslavia
Summary.The aim of this study is to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of arterial hypertension in industrial workers from the region of Niš. The research included a sample of 1725 workers employed in eight small plants. Analysis of work and work place conditions was done on work places of examined workers. In accordance with demands of work places (work in shifts, nightly work, work in norm) and presence of professional noxiousness the population under study was divided into 14 groups. Work, personal, familiar, social and anamnesis of disease was done of all workers. Detailed clinical examination, antropometric measurements, examination of blood concentration of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and electrolytes in serum, electrocardiography, inspection of eye bottom, neurologic examination, stress test on ergo bicycle, Doppler echosonography of blood vessels of low legs were done. The prevalence of arterial hypertension is higher in the groups of workers professionally exposed to noise, to lead vapors, in shift and nightly workers than at the workers in workplaces without contact to professional noxiousness. Hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia are presented statistical more in the workers exposed to professional noxiousness, where is also, the more prevalence of arterial hypertension. The small numbers of hypertensive workers behave to harmonize the prescribed therapy and advice. Arterial hypertension in working population presents a significant medical problem. Professional noxiousness (noise, lead vapors) special demands of work (shift work, night work, work in norm) and various combinations of them with simultaneous effects can be a contributing factors in developing of arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia at exposed workers.
Key words:  Industrial workers, arterial hypertension, professional noxiousness, coronary risk factors, occupational exposure


Kratak sadržaj: Arterijska hiperenzija je problem od socijalnog , medicinskog i ekonomskog značaja. Cilj ovog rada je da ispita prevalenciju i epidemiološke karakteristike arterijske hipertenzije u grupi od 1725 industrijskih radnika na području regiona Niš. Ispitivani su radnici tekstilne, duvanske, hemijske, metaloprerađivačke industrije, štamparije i građevinarstva. Zavisno od noksi na radnom mestu i zahteva radnih mesta radnici su podeljeni u 14 podgrupa.. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u prisustvu ostalih faktora koji mogu uticati na pojavu arterijske hipertenzije osim faktora profesionalne ekspozicije. Utvrđeno je da prevalencija arterijske hipertenzije iznosi 21,2%. Radnici profesionalno izloženi buci, olovnim isparenjima, radu u smenama, noćnom radu češće pate od arterijske hipertenzije u odnosu na grupu radnika koji nisu izloženi ovim noksama i zahtevima radnih mesta. Hiperholesterolemija i hipertrigliceridemija su statistički značajno češće  kod hipertenzivnih radnika izloženih buci,noćnom radu, radu u smenama i radu u normi gde je i učestalost arterijske hipertenzije statistički značajno veća. Mali procenat radnika sa arterijskom hipertenzijom poštuje preporuke doktora medicine u vezi terapije i prevencije komomplikacija. Smatramo da je arterijska hipertenzija značajan medicinski problem u industrijskoj populaciji i da nokse na radnom mestu i zahtevi radnih mesta mogu favorizovati češću pojavu ove bolesti.
Kjučne reči: Industrijski radnici, arterijska hipertenzija, profesionalne nokse