Vol.7, No 1, 2000 pp. 39 -41
UC 611.61
Jovan Hadži-Djokić, Z. Džamić, Čedomir Tupuzović, Cane Tulić
Clinic of Urology, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Summary. The authors present the results of the cystic renal diseases treatment recorded at the Clinic of Urology in Belgrade (during the period 1990?1998). The total of 84 paitients were surgically treated for different types of the cystic renal diseases during the 8-year period. The simple renal cyst was evidenced in 60 patients, out of whom 55 underwent cyst resection. Neither postoperative complications nor relapse of the cyst developed in any of the patients. Four patients with renal echinococcus unnderwent nephrectomy, while out of 8 cases of renal polycystic disease, nephrectomy was performed in 5 either due to the presence of the pyocyst as a complication (infection) or as a preparative measure for kidney transplantation. Malignant cysts were diagnosed in two cases (2.5%) and both patients have survived far more than 5 years free of complications.
Key words: Cystic disease, kidney, treatment


Kratak sadržaj: Autori iznose rezultate Urološke klinike u Beogradu (za period 1990?1998) za cistična oboljenja bubrega. U periodu od 8 godina operisana su 84 bolesnika zbog različitih tipova cističnih oboljenja bubrega. U 60 pacijenata radilo se o prostoj bubrežnoj cisti i u 55 slučajeva je učinjena resekcija ciste. Nije bilo postoperativnih komplikacija, niti se cista ponovo javila. U 4 bolesnika sa ehinokokom bubrega učinjena je nefrektomija, a od 8 slučajeva bubrežnog policistizma kod 5 pacijenata je učinjena nefrektomija ili zbog postojanja piociste kao komplikacije (infekcija) ili kao priprema za transplantaciju bubrega. U 2 slučaja (2,5%) je djagtrostikovana maligna cista i učinjena je radikalna nefrektomja i oba pacijenta žive preko 5 godina bez komplikacija.
Ključne reči: Cistična oboljenja, bubreg, lečenje