Vol.7, No 1, 2000 pp. 31 -38
UC 612.12/.17
Ligia Petrica1, Marius Raica2, Adalbert Schiller1, Silvia Velciov1, Gheorghe Gluhovschi1, Virginia Trandafirescu1, Gheorghe Bozdog1, Cristina Gluhovschi1, Flaviu Bob1
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
1Department of Nephrology and 2Department of Histology, County Hospital, Timişoara, Romania

Summary. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play a crucial role in the layout of the electro-ne--gative filter of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and have a possible involvement in renal fibrosis. The expression of ?-smooth muscle actin (?-SMA) amongst other cytoskeletal proteins, such as vimentin (Vi), in the glomerulus and the intestitium correlates with glomerulosclerosis (GSL) and tubulointerstitial fibrosis  (TI). The purpose of the study was to evaluate clinical, biochemical and histological aspects of primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (MCGN) related to alterations of GAGs deposits and to the expression of ?-SMA and Vi by glomerular and interstitial cells.
A group of 28 patients (p) with primary type I MCGN was assessed  concerning blood pressure, proteinuria and serum  creatinine. Kidney biopsies were performed in all patients and were processed in light microsopy, immunofluorescence and immunohisto-chemistry in order to reveal GAGs deposits, Vi-and ?-SMA / PCNA (proliferating celll nuclear antigen) positive cells in the glomerulus and the interstitium.
Of the 28 p, 19 p (67.85%) - group B presented with significant alterations of GAGs in the capillaries, mesangium and interstitium, while 9 p (32.15%) - group A, had a mild impairment of the distribution of GAGs only in the capillary walls.
Linear regression analysis showed in both groups an inverse correlation between GAGs staining in the capillaries and proteinuria and Ig deposits in the capillary walls. In group B, we found an inverse correlation between the GSL score and Vi expression in the glomerulus, and a direct correlation between this score and glomerular ?-SMA and PCNA expression. TI injury correlated positively with interstitial ?-SMA and PCNA. In group A, the GSL score showed an inverse correlation with glomerular Vi, but did not reveal a significant correlation with glomerular ?-SMA and PCNA. TI lesions correlated weakly with intersititial ?-SMA alone. In group B, proteinuria (P) and serum creatinine (SC) correlated inversely with glomerular Vi and directly with glomerular and interstitial ?-SMA / PCNA. In group A, P showed an inverse correlation with glomerular Vi, but no correlations with glomerular and interstitial ?-SMA / PCNA; SC correlated inversely with glomerular Vi and weakly with interstitial ?-SMA.
In conclusion, the alterations of GAGs deposits are significant in primary type I MCGN and they correlate with the glomerular and interstitial expression of ?-SMA and Vi. The biochemical picture of MCGN is far more severe in these p and correlates with GSL and TI fibrosis.
Key words:  Glomerulosclerosis, glycosaminoglycans, interstitial fibrosis, mesangio-ca-pil-la-ry glomerulonephritis, myofibroblasts, proteinuria


Kratak sadržaj: Glikozaminoglikani (GAGs) igraju ključnu ulogu u održavanju elektronegativnog naboja glomerulske bazalne membrane (GBM), i moguća je njihova uloga u nastanku fibroze bubrega. Ekspresija ?-glatkomišićnog aktina (?-SMA) u glomemlu i intersticijumu, uy druge citoskeletne proteine, kao što je vimentin (Vi), koreliza sa glomerulosklerozom (GSL), tubulointersticijskom fibrozom (TI). Cilj ovog rada je da se procene klinički, biohemijski i histološki aspekti primarnog  mezangiokapilarnog glomemlonefritisa (MCGN) tip I u odnosu na promene GAGs deposita i ekspresiju ?-SMA i Vi u glomenilskim i intersticijskim ćelijama.
Grupi od 28 bolesnika sa primarnim MCGN tip I određeni su krvni pritisak, proteinurija i serumski kreatinin. U svih bolesnika učinjena bubrežna biopsija pripremljena je za svetlosnu mikroskopiju, imunofluorescenciju i imunohistohemiju u cilju otkrivanja GAGS depozita, Vi- i ?-SMA/PCNA (nuklearni antigen proliferišućih ćelija) pozitivnih ćelija u glomerulu i intersticijumu.
Od 28 bolesnika, 19 bolesnika (67,85%) - grupa B, imalo je značajne promene GAGs u kapilarima, mezangijumu i intersticijumu, dok je 9 bolesnika (32,15%) - grupa A, imalo umerene promene distribucije GAGs, samo u zidovima kapilara. Analiza linearne regresije pokazala je, u obema grupama, inverznu korelaciju između GAGs bojenja u kapilarima i proteinurije te Ig depozita u zidu kapilara. U grupi B nađena je inverzna korelacija između GSL skora i ekspresije Vi u glomerulu, a direktna korelacija između ovog skora i ekspresije u glomerulu ?-SMA i PCNA. Oštećenje TI koreliralo je pozitivno sa ekspresijom u intersticijumu ?-SMA i PCNA. U grupi A, GLS skor je pokazao inverznu korelaciju sa glomerulskim Vi, ali nije bilo značajne korelacije sa glomerulskim ?-SMA i PCNA. Oštećenje TI koreliralo je jedino ali slabo sa ekspresijom ?-SMA u intersticijumu. U grupi B, proteinurija (P) i serumski kreatinin (SC) korelirali su inverzno sa vimentinom u glomerulima, a direktno sa ?-SMA i PCNA u glomerulima i intersticijumu. U grupi A, P je inverzno korelirala sa vimentinom u glomerulima, ali nije bilo korelacije sa ?-SMA i PCNA u glomerulima i intersticijumu. SC je korelirao inverzno sa Vi u glomerulima, a vrlo slabo sa ?-SMA u intersticijumu.
U zaključku, GAGs depoziti su značajni u primarnom PICGN tip I i korelišu sa ekspresijom ?-SMA i Vi u glomerulu i intersticijumu. Biohemijski pokazatelji su mnogo više oštećeni u ovih bolesnika, i korelišu sa GSL i TI fibrozom.
Ključne reči: Glomeruloskleroza, glikozaminoglikani, intersticijska fibroza, mezangiokapilarni glomerulonefritis, miofibroblasti, proteinurija