Vol.7, No 1, 2000 pp. 1 - 6
UC 612.17 
Biljana Stojimirović1, Vera Pavlović Kentera2
1University School of Medicine, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Department of Nephrology, Belgrade
2Institute for Medical Research, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Summary. Thirteen years have passed since the first patient with end stage renal disease received recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO). During this time many thousands of patients have been receiving r-HuEPO, and the knowledge of how to use EPO successfully and how to avoid adverse effects has been achieved. However, because of the costs of r-HuEPO, a great number of patients still lack beneficial effects of this treatment. The attempt to optimize the use of r-HuEPO in the treatment of chronic renal failure anemia could bring its benefits to a wider spectrum of patients. That is why we tried to summarize the answers to unresolved questions concerning r-HuEPO therapy that are already published. These are: when to start the treatment; what should be the target hemoglobin for patients receiving r-HuEPO, what route of administration should be used, what dosage will result in optimal response and what are the benefits expected. Identification and correction of reasons for failure of response to r-HuEPO therapy is important in ensuring the optimal use of EPO. The question is how common is iron deficiency, usually named as major cause for the hyporesponsiveness to EPO, and how should it be monitored and treated? What are the other causes of failure to respond to r-HuEPO and how could they be avoided. Finally, we are presenting brief listing of possibilities of adjuvant therapy and new EPO mimetic.
Key words: Erythropoietin, iron, anemia, chronic renal failure

Kratak sadržaj: Prošlo je trinaest godina od kada je prvi bolesnik sa terminalnom hroničnom insuficijencijom bubrega dobio rekombinovani humani eritropoetin (r-HuEPO). Tokom proteklog perioda r-HuEPO je korišćen za lečenje hiljada bolesnika. Stečena su znanja o tome kako da se EPO primenjuje uspešno i kako da se izbegnu nepovoljna dejstva leka. Medjutim, zbog cene r-HuEPO, veliki broj obolelih još uvek ne može da koristi povoljne efekte lečenja ovim preparatom.  Nalaženje najboljeg načina za primenu r-HuEPO u lečenju anemije u hroničnoj insuficijenciji bubrega omogućilo bi većem broju bolesnika da uživa pogodnosti delovanja ovog preparata. Zbog toga smo pokušali da sumiramo do sada objavljene odgovore na još nerazjašnjena pitanja u vezi sa upotrebom r-HuEPO. To su: kada započeti lečenje, koje vrednosti hemoglobina treba dostići u bolesnika koji dobijaju r-HuEPO, koji način davanja leka treba primeniti, koje doze će dovesti do optimalnog odgovora i koji se povoljni efekti očekuju. Da bi se osigurao najbolji način primene EPO važno je otkriti i ukloniti razloge koji su doveli do nedovoljnog odgovora na lečenje r-HuEPO. Pitanje je koliko je čest nedostatak gvoždja, obično smatran najvažnijim razlogom za nedovoljni odgovor na EPO, i kako ga treba pratiti i lečiti? Koji su drugi razlozi za neodgovarajući učinak r-HuEPO i kako se oni mogu izbeći. Na kraju prikazujemo kratku listu mogućnosti adjuvantne terapije i nove EPO oblike.
Ključne reči: Eritropoetin, gvoždje, anemija, hronična bubrežna insuficijencija