Vol.1, No 1, 1997 pp. 183 - 193
UDC: 342.51:35.076
(From Administration as an Instrument of Government to Administration as Public Service)
Stevan Lilić
Belgrade University, Law School, Yugoslavia
Abstract. Modern administrative systems derive from a relatively nondifferentiated state organizational structure of the absolutistic states of the seventeenth century. Reactions against the administration as the monarch's "personal instrument of government" were inspired by the doctrines of the separation of powers and realized by revolutions at the end of the eighteenth century in Europe and America. However, as the administration steadily became an equal partner in the division of powers, the previous view of the administration as a "suspicious instrument of the monarch" started radically to change.
Today, the experience of developed countries indicate that an administrative system cannot be conceived as an "instrument" or "apparatus" (e.g. of the ruling class), nor can a modern administrative system be projected only as a legalistic normative model of structures and procedures (i.e. administrative agencies and the administrative process). Administrative models that are common to the developed countries (particularly in Europe) derive from the concept of the administration's social function. Under the conditions of a developed material and cultural social environment, state and government "transform" from an instrument of power and repression into an organization with a social function of rendering public services (e.g. education, medical care, scientific research and development, environmental protection, economic development, etc.) to citizens and other subjects in the social environment and protecting human rights. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, many former communist countries are going through a period of social and political turbulence that, inter alia, reflect on their administrative systems. The situation varies from country to country. References to the state of affairs of the administration in Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) are also given.
Key words:  administration, separation of power, social function of administration, administrative transition

(Od uprave kao instrumenta vladavine do uprave kao javne službe)
Savremeni upravni sistemi proizilaze iz relativno neizdiferencirane državne organizacione strukture apsolutističkih država XVII veka. Reakcije protiv uprave kao monarhovog "ličnog instrumenta vladavine" bile su izazvane doktrinama podele vlasti i ostvarene revolucijama XVIII veka u Evropi i Americi. Međutim, kako je uprava sve više postajala ravnopravan partner u podeli vlasti, prethodno shvatanje uprave kao "sumnjičavog instrumenta monarha" počelo je znatno da se menja.
Iskustvo razvijenih država danas ukazuje na to da neki upravni sistem ne može da se zamisli kao "instrument" ili "aparat" (npr. vladajuće klase) niti se savremeni upravni sistem može projektovati samo kao zakonski normativni model struktura i procedura (tj. upravna sredstva i upravni proces). Upravni modeli koji su zajednički razvijenim zemljama (posebno u Evropi) proizilaze iz koncepcije društvene funkcije uprave. U uslovima razvijenog materijala i kulturne društvene sredine, država i vladavina se "transformišu" od instrumenta vlasti i represije u organizaciju sa društvenom funkcijom pružanja javnih usluga (npr. obrazovanje, medicinska briga, naučno istraživanje i razvoj, zaštita sredine, privredni razvoj, itd.) građanima i drugim subjektima u društvenoj sredini i zaštiti ljudskih prava. Posle pada berlinskog zida 1989. godine, mnoge ranije komunističke zemlje prolaze kroz period društvenih i političkih nemira koji, između ostalog, odražavaju njihove upravne sisteme. Situacija varira od zemlje do zemlje. Date su i reference o stanju poslova u upravi u Jugoslaviji (Srbiji i Crnoj Gori).
Ključne reči: uprava, podela vlasti, društvena funkcija uprave, upravna tranzicija