Vol.1, No 1, 1997 pp. 137 - 146
UDC: 342.25:342.4(497.1)
Aleksandar Fira
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Yugoslavia
Abstract. The greatest portion of this paper analyzes the most important
constitutional provisions of the Federal and Republic Constitutions dealing
with the local self-government. Concluding considerations formulated as
a suggestion for further working out and discussions contain the basic
attitudes and problems the author specifically emphasizes in the subject
- In the constitutional and law system of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
"the right to the local self-government has been proclaimed by the Constitution
of FRY, thus being the category of the federal constitutionality. While
organizing and accomplishing it, all those provisions of the Constitution
of FRY, directly applied must be respected, which refer to the local self-government
and if refer. The degree of the local self-government working out within
the federal constitutionality, however, is not of that kind that the local
self-government could be introduced much less to function, only on its
basis, that is, on the basis of direct application of the Constitution
of FRY.
- Within their sovereign rights, the member Republics organize and
provide for the local self-government on their own. Then, in accordance
with the constitutionality and legitimacy principle, they are obliged to
do that in keeping with the Constitution of FRY and federal laws which
contain more provisions directly or indirectly referring to the local self-government.
- The Constitutions of both member Republics contain more, but still
only basic, provisions on the local self-government. The same concept of
the local self-government basically features both Constitutions. That concept
suits to the centralized state which independently and in a "sovereign"
way determines which part of the power will be given to the local self-government.
Clearly carried out is the thesis that the local-self government is the
creation of the state and it depends upon its will.
- The weakest point of the constitutional organization of the local-self
government is absence of the constitutional guarantees for the financial
and material independence of the local self-government. Judging from the
practice so far, this cannot be provided for by referring to the laws.
- The greatest restrictions on the local self-government results from
the nature of the centralized state. It is most prominent in the sphere
of performance, where the assumption of competencies is, contrary to the
democratic traditions and the modern trend world-wide, directed in favour
of the central state organs of power and administration.
- Finally, there is no efficiently developed mechanism in the constitutional
system intended for the local self-government protection.
For all these reasons, vital improvements to the local self-government
are possible only through the constitutional revision, and it is advisable
this meeting to come for it.
Key words: Yugoslav and Serbian Constitutions, Constitution
of Montenegro, local government
Analiza najvažnijih ustavnih odredaba Saveznog i republičkih ustava u delovima
koji se odnose na lokalnu samoupravu čini najveći deo ovog priloga. U zaključnim
razmatranjima koja su formulisana kao poziv na razradu i diskusiju sadržani
su osnovni stavovi i problemi koje autor u toj materiji posebno ističe:
- U ustavnopravnom sistemu SRJ "pravo na lokalnu samoupravu" proklamovano
je ustavom SRJ i utoliko je kategorija savezne ustavnosti. U njegovom uređivanju
i ostvarivanju moraju se poštovati sve one odredbe Ustava SRJ, koje se
neposredno primenjuju, a koje se i ukoliko se odnose na lokalnu samoupravu.
Međutim, stepen razrade lokalne samouprave u saveznoj ustavnosti nije takav
da bi se mogao na osnovu njega tj. na osnovu direktne primene Ustava SRJ
uvesti, a još manje funkcionisati lokalna samouprava.
- U okviru svojih suverenih prava republike članice samostalno organizuju
tj. uređuju i obezbeđuju lokalnu samoupravu. Pri tome, saglasno principu
ustavanosti i zakonitosti, one su dužne da to čine u skladu sa Ustavom
SRJ i saveznim zakonima, koji sadrže više odredaba koje se posredno ili
neposredno odnose na lokalnu samoupravu
- Ustavi obe republike članice sadrže više, ali samo još uvek osnovnih,
odredaba o lokalnoj samoupravi. Pri tome oba ustava imaju istu koncepciju
lokalne samouprave. Ta koncepcija odgovara centralizovanoj državi koja
samostalno i "suvereno" određuje koji će deo vlasti ustupiti lokalnoj samoupravi.
Pri tome je jasno sprovedena teza da je lokalna samouprava kreacija države
i da zavisi od državne volje.
- Najslabija tačka u ustavnom uređivanju lokalne samouprave je nepostojanje
ustavnih garancija za finansijsku i materijalnu samostalnost lokalne samouprave.
Upućivanje na zakone, sudeći po dosadašnjoj praksi, to ne obezbeđuje.
- Najveće ograničenje lokalnoj samoupravi proističe iz prirode centralizovane
države. Ono je najizrazitije u sferi izvršenja gde je, suprotno demokratskim
tradicijama i modernom trendu u svetu, pretpostavka nadležnosti okrenuta
u korist centralnih državnih organa vlasti i uprave.
- Najzad, u ustavnom sistemu nema dovoljno razvijenog zaštitnog mehanizma
lokalne samouprave.
Zbog svega toga bitna unapređenja lokalne samouprave su moguća samo
kroz ustavnu reviziju, o kojoj bi bilo uputno da se izjasni ovaj skup.
Ključne reči: Jugoslovenski i srpski Ustavi, Ustav Crne Gore,
lokalna uprava