Original Scientific Paper
Vol.10, No 1, 2012 pp. 13-23
UDC 347.65/.68:347.96
De lege lata and De lege ferenda
Nataša Stojanović
Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: natasa@prafak.ni.ac.rs
In this paper, the author explores the legal position of the administrator of the succesion estate in light of the current legislation, legal theory and judicial practice in some contemporary European legal systems, with specific reference to the Serbian legislation. In the author’s opinion, in order to promote legal certainty and provide for a more qualitative protection of successors’ interests, it is necessary to introduce some changes in the current Serbian legislation on this matter. Thus, the legal provisions concerning the successors’ right to designate the administrator of the estate should clearly stipulate whether the successors’ joint agreement on the appointment of the administrator should be based on their unanimous or majority decision. In case the administrator is appointed by the decision of a competent court, it is necessary to specify the scope of the administrator’s authorities, to precisely designate the types of costs and expenses the administrator is entitled to pay out of the succession estate and to lay down the normative framework on the termination of the administrator’s powers and the legal consequences arising thereof. As far as procedural matters are concerned, the author urges that the prospective modifications and amendments to the Serbian Non-litigious Proceedings Act shall more explicitly regulate the procedure for designating the court-appointed administrator of the succession estate.
Key words:
successors, administrator of succession estate, legal nature of administrator’s office, administrator’s right and duties, termination of administrator’s authority
De lege lata i de lege ferenda
U radu autor sagledava pravni položaj upravitelja nasledstva kroz prizmu zakonskih rešenja, teorije i sudske prakse pojedinih savremenih evropskih pravnih sistema, sa naročitim osvrtom na srpsko pravo. Po mišljenju autora, interes pravne sigurnosti i kvalitetna zaštita interesa naslednika nalažu, kao neophodnost: pojašnjenje, u zakonskom tekstu, da li je za određivanje upravitelja nasledstva, voljom samih naslednika, potrebna saglasnost svih njih ili većine naslednika, preciziranje poslova koje može obavljati upravitelj nasledstva, određen odlukom suda, bliže određivanje vrste troškova, koje on može isplatiti iz zaostavštine i normiranje prestanka ovlašćenja upravitelja nasledstva, kao i pravnih posledica koje otuda proističu. Sa procesnog aspekta posmatrano, autor se zalaže za to da buduće izmene i dopune srpskog Zakona o vanparničnoj proceduri moraju bliže da urede sam postupak za određivanje upravitelja nasledstva, odlukom suda.
Ključne reči:
naslednici, upravitelj nasledstva, pravna priroda upravitelja nasledstva, prava i obaveze upravitelja nasledstva, prestanak ovlašćenja upravitelja nasledstva.