Original Scientific Paper
Vol.9, No 2, 2011 pp. 109-134

UDC 504.9:343.3/.7](497.11)

Dragan Jovašević
Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: jovas@prafak.ni.ac.rs

There are numerous activities by which human beings harm, destroy, pollute or endanger the environment. Most of these activities are the result of man's conscious omission or failure to abide by the rules, technical guidelines and standards in managing many dangerous sources of energy and raw materials or in handling hazardous appliances and technologies properly. Such misconduct generates a variety of risks, involving incidents of various kinds and scales of magnitude that may affect a specific location and everything within the hazard-affected zone. Such activities, conducted either by individuals, groups and even entire states are illegal and punishable as criminal offences and misdemeanours (delicts). Considering that these activities are related to the unlawful conduct in the field of management, preservation, development and protection of man's immediate living and working environment either on the local or on the global scale, all these diverse types of harmful acts may be called environmental offences (ecological delicts). There are several kinds of environmental delicts, whose classification depends on the scope and intensity of the harmful effect on the environment, the specific type of activity at issue, the perpetrator's personality, the general normative framework prescribing specific conduct in the legislative and other regulatory acts, as well as on the kind of penalties prescribed for these specific criminal offences and misdemeanours. In this paper, the author analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of environmental offences as envisaged in the legal solutions of the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia.
Key words: environment, legislation, unlawfulness, criminal offence, liability, penalty, criminal justice

Delatnosti kojima čovek povređuje, uništava, oštećuje, zagađujeili ugrožava životnu sredinu rezultat su svesnog propuštanja ili neprimenjivanja pravila, tehničkih uputstava i standarda u rukovanju brojnim opasnim izvorima energije i sirovina, odnosno pri rukovanju ili postupanju na drugi način opasnim uređajima čime se stvaraju uslovi za rizik od akcidenata raznih vrsta, obima i dimenzija zahvatajući određeni prostor i sve što se u njemu nađe, u zoni dejstva ovako prouzrokovane opasnosti.Takve delatnosti pojedinaca i grupa,pa čak i čitavih država predstavljaju nedozvoljena, zabranjena i kažnjiva,odnosno deliktna ponašanja ili delikte. Pošto se radi o nedozvoljenim ponašanjima u oblasti uređenja, čuvanja, unapređenja i zaštite čovekove životne i radne sredine u široj ili užoj okolini, to se sve ove vrste delikata mogu nazvati ekološkim deliktima. Zavisno od obima i intenziteta prouzrokovane posledice na životnu sredinu, preduzete delatnosti, svojstva učinioca delikta i propisanosti određenog ponašanja u zakonima i drugim podzakonskim aktima opšteg karaktera,te vrste propisanih sankcija, razlikuje se više ekoloških delikata od kojih su najznačajnija ekološka krivična dela o čijim teorijskim i praktičnim karakteristikama, shodno rešenjima iz novog Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, govori ovaj rad.
Ključne reči: životna sredina, zakon, protivpravnost, krivično delo, odgovornost, kazna, sud.