Vol.5, No 1, 2007 pp. 61-69
UDC 347.626.2
Marija Ignjatović
Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia
The new tendencies and developments in the positive law have generated
a significant interest in the issue of regulating property relations between
prospective marital partners. In line with the new legal concept, contractual
agreements have an increasing significance in regulating property relations
between prospective spouses, particularly the prenuptual agreement which
is contracted before entering into marriage. The contractual regulation
of these property relations, by signing such a specific agreement, may
resemble a pragmatic business-like affair which meticulously concentrates
on the details of protecting the proprietory interests of prospective spouses.
However, the present-day legal practice is very supportive of the prenuptual
agrement, which is percieved as an instrument which provides legal security
and promotes the overall proprietory standing of prospective marital partners.
There is no doubt that the prenuptual agreement is a new development
in the field of matrimonial law which may significantly improve the regulation
of property relations in a prospective marriage. However, it cannot be
denied that there is a certain resistence or reluctance to introduce the
prenuptual agreement into the current legislations. In addition, the general
public does not have sufficient information about this new kind of agreement
and the opportunities it provides. For these reasons, the author of this
paper will endeavour to objectively explore the concept of prenuptual agreement,
considering all the arguments for and against the application of this instrument
in regulating premarital property relations between prospective spouses.
Key words: prenuptial agreement, autonomy of will, new development.
Regulisanje imovinsko-pravnih odnosa budućih supružnika,
danas predstavlja jednu od centralnih tema savremenog porodičnog prava,
za koju postoji veliko interesovanje javnog mnjenja. Aktuelnost ovog pitanja,
danas, i interesovanje za njega, posebno u segmentu koji se odnosi na regulisanje
imovinskih odnose budućih bračnih partnera, uslovljena je i novim tendencijama
u pravu. Prema novom pravnom konceptu sve veći značaj u regulisanju imovinsko-pravnih
odnosa budućih supružnika pridaje se ugovornom režimu, još preciznije
regulisanju ovih odnosa pre stupanja u brak, zaključenjem predbračnog
ugovora. Iako ugovorno regulisanje ovih odnosa, naročito potpisivanje
posebnog ugovora, na prvi pogled može da deluje kao surovi pragmatizam,
kao strogi poslovni odnos, gde se do detalja vodi računa o zaštiti imovinskih
interesa budućih supružnika, današnja pravna praksa sve više govori
njemu u prilog, ističući da je predbračni ugovor sredstvo kojim se postiže
pravna sigurnost, odnosno da je to instrument za unapređenje sveukupnog
imovinsko-pravnog položaja budućih bračnih drugova.
Ključne reči: Predbračni ugovor, autonomija
volje, novi razvoji.