Vol.2, No 1, 2004 pp. 1-6
UDC 342.4(497.11)
Ratko Marković
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade and Police Academy, Belgrade

Even if it does meet all requirements set before it, this does not mean the Serbian Constitution will be ideal. De Smith claimed that there is no predefined stereotype of an ideal constitution. He believed the form and content of the constitution would depend, first, on the political balance of power at the moment in which the constitution is proclaimed, second, on the commonsensical understanding of how practically useful certain constitutional solutions are, third, on traditional patterns available to politicians and their advisors writing the constitution. DeGaulle was referring to the same thing in his famous 1946 Bayeux Speech, where he quoted the response of the wise Solon to the question of a Greek, inquiring which constitution was the best. Solon replied: "First tell me for which people and for what epoch."

Key words:  Serbian new constitution, short constitution, normative constitution, democratic constitution, firm constitution, modern constitution.

I da ispuni sve postavljene zahteve, ne znači da će Ustav Srbije biti idealan. De Smit je tvrdio da ne postoji unapred određen stereotip idealnog ustava. On je smatrao da oblik i sadržina ustava zavise, prvo, od političkih snaga koje postoje u momentu donošenja ustava, drugo, od zdravorazumskih shvatanja o praktičnoj koristi pojedinih ustavnih rešenja, treće, od tradicionalnih obrazaca dostupnih političarima i njihovim savetnicima koji prave ustav. Na istu stvar mislio je i De Gol u svom poznatom govoru u Bajeu 1946. kada je citirao odgovor mudrog Solona na pitanje jednog Grka koji je ustav najbolji. Solon je odgovorio: "Recite mi najpre za koji narod i u koje vreme."

Ključne reči: novi ustav Srbije, kratak ustav, normativan ustav, demokratski ustav, čvrst ustav, moderan ustav.