Vol.1, No 6, 2002 pp. 729-736
UDC 340.12
Suzana Medar

The task of axiology of law is at least twofold: establishment of a value of law as a particular phenomenon, of social order, in fact, on the one hand, and establishment of legal values, values produced by law, in fact, on the other hand. Connectivity of values, that is, of sense of law to the sense of life at all may be established by deductive and inductive methods, respectively. Metaphysical opinion asks for giving sense only in general principles, so that it draws a conclusion on the value of law from the value of the whole human existence, or, even further, from the whole world. By induction, the source of sense is found out in parts, individual forms of human existence, transferred then from them to the totality. Usually found in the vocabulary of values produced by law are justice, peace, order, security, truth, freedom, human dignity. In addition to these, so-called material values, which point to the fact on how the society should be brought to order and how power and goods should be distributed, there are also specific formal legal values that show what relations among the legal norms in a law system should be. There fall coherency, that is, legality, completeness and determination of legal norms.
Key words:  value of law, legal values, justice, fairness, peace, security, order, human dignity, freedom, truth, legality.

Zadatak aksiologije prava je barem dvostruk: s jedne strane utvrđivanje vrednosti prava kao osobene pojave, upravo društvenog poretka, s druge strane utvrđivanje pravnih vrednosti, upravo vrednosti koje pravo ostvaruje. Povezanost vrednosti, odnosno smisla prava sa smislom života uopšte može se uspostaviti deduktivnim i induktivnim putem. Metafizičko mišljenje traži osmišljavanje samo u opštim principima, te i sud o vrednosti prva izvlači iz vrednosti celine ljudske egzistencije, ili još dalje, celine sveta. Indukcijom se izvorište smisla pronalazi u delovima, pojedinačnim oblicima ljudske egzistencije, pa se sa njih prenosi na celinu. U vokabularu vrednosti koje pravo ostvaruje uobičajeno se nalaze pravda i pravičnost, mir, red, sigurnost, istina, sloboda ljudsko dostojanstvo. Pored ovih, tzv. materijalnih vrednosti, koje upućuju na to kako treba urediti društvo i raspodeliti moć i dobra, postoje i specifične formalne pravne vrednosti koje pokazuju kakve treba da budu relacije između pravnih normi u pravnom sistemu. Tu spadaju koherentnost, odnosno zakonitost, potpunost i određenost pravnih normi.
Ključne reči:  vrednost prava, pravne vrednosti, pravda, pravičnost, mir, sigurnost, red, ljudsko dostojanstvo, sloboda, istina, zakonitost.