Vol.1, No 6, 2002 pp. 683-710
UDC 353.1:340.12
Milan Petrović

This treatise consists of two mains parts: theoretical and empirical. The objective of the first one is to establish the concept of a region as such, a problem that has not been sufficiently cleared up so far. Namely, a region shall indispensably be separated both from the concept of local self-government and from the concept of a state. A region differs from the local self-government in possessing qualitatively higher degree of power, power of original regulation of legal relations, legislature in the material sense. A region differs from a state in that only the social legal norm as the contents of the collective legal act of the stronger part of people of a state is, in principle, above the power of the state (constitutional) power. On the contrary, a region must be subordinated to the constitutional power of a state within which boundaries it exists. There are two principal types of regions: region state fragment and region public service. The former is similar to a state because it is in possession of its own state organs (organs featured by their own power of coercion), while the latter is not in possession of such organs. Further, regions may, in more details, be divided into nonincorporated autonomous territories, separate original parts of a state and regions within a regional state. This treatise shall adopt as politically most relevant division of regions the division into regions within a monarchy and regions within republics. (The third category, regions under the international legal regime, because of the limited space of this treatise is not incorporated). Naturally, in view of regions, this treatise cannot be an all-inclusive one, so that the most interesting examples are considered: out of regions within a monarchy, considered are dominions within the British Empire and Finland within the Russian Empire; regions considered within a republic are those of Italy.
Key Words: region state fragment, region public service, social legal norm.

Ova rasprava ima dva glavna dela: teorijski i empirijski. Zadatak je prvoga utvrđivanje pojma regiona kao takvog, jedan problem koji do danas nije dovoljno rasvetljen. Region je, naime, neophodno odvojiti kako od pojma mesne samouprave, tako i od pojma države. Od mesne (lokalne) samouprave region se razlikuje po posedovanju kvalitativno višega stepena vlasti, vlasti izvornoga uređivanja pravnih odnosa, zakonodavstva u materijalnom smislu. Od države se region razlikuje po tome što vlast nosioca državne (ustavotvorne) vlasti ima načelno iznad sebe samo društvenu pravnu normu kao sadržinu zbirnog (kolektivnog) pravnog akta jačeg dela države. Region, naprotiv, mora biti potčinjen ustavotvornoj vlasti države u čijim se granicama nalazi. Postoje dva osnovna tipa regiona: region državni fragment i region javna služba. Prvi je sličan državi jer poseduje sopstvene državne organe (organe sa sopstvenom vlašću prinuđivanja), dok drugi nema takve organe. Regioni se, dalje, iscrpno mogu podeliti na neinkorporisane autonomne teritorije, zasebne izvorne delove država i regiona u sastavu regionalne države. Ova rasprava usvaja kao politički najrelevantniju podelu regiona podelu na regione u sastavu monarhije i regione u sastavu republika. (Treća kategorija, regioni pod režinom međunarodnog prava, zbog prostornih organičenja nije mogla da stane u okvire rasprave). Razume se da ova rasprava nije mogla da u pogledu regiona bude sveobuhvatna, pa su razmotreni samo najinteresantniji primeri: od regiona u monarhijama uzeti su tako dominioni u sastavu Britanskog Carstva i Finska u sastavu Ruskog Carstva, a od regiona u republikama, regioni u Italiji.
Ključne reči: region državni fragment, region javna služba, društvena pravna norma.