Vol.1, No 4, 2000 pp. 449 - 462
UDC 341.123.043:341.311 (497.1)
Milan Paunović
Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade
Abstract. The paper deals with the system of collective security
of the United Nations – the normative aspect and practice of the United
Nations. Particularly discussed is the concept of the collective security,
collective measures of the United Nations Security Council as a concretization
of the abstract model of the collective security, international military
forces, incorrect start-up of the established collective system of security,
that is, the first case of employing military forces in practice of the
United Nations. Special attention is given to the importance of the peacekeeping
forces of the United Nations, as an attempt of the United Nations to give
rise to the survival of the system of collective security. At the conclusion
of the first part, military measures of the United Nations relating to
the attack on Iraq and Kuwait are assessed as a turn in the practice of
the United Nations and contribution to the system of collective security.
"Humanitarian interventions" are described as undermining of the modern
system of the collective security, while especially treated is the case
of aggression of NATO on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and a risky
impact on the system of collective security, that is, repeated demonstration
of serious faults in the system of collective security of the United Nations
which has to be revised.
Key words: system of collective security, peacekeeping
forces of the United Nations, international military forces, "humanitarian
U radu se obradjuje sistem kolektivne bezbednosti UN – normativni aspekt
i praksa UN. Pri tom se naročito govori o pojmu sistema kolektivne bezbednosti,
kolektivnim merama Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija kao konkretizaciji
apstraktnog modela kolektivne bezbednosti, medjunarodnim vojnim snagama,
naopakom početku uspostavljanja sistema kolektivne bezbednosti, odnosno
prvom slučaju upotrebe medjunarodnih vojnih snaga u praksi UN. Posebno
je istaknut značaj mirovnih snaga UN kao pokušaj OUN da sistem kolektivne
bezbednosti ipak preživi. Na kraju prvog dela se vojne mere UN povodom
napada Iraka na Kuvajt ocenjuju kao preokret u praksi UN i doprinos sistemu
kolektivne bezbednosti. "Humanitarne intervencije" su opisane kao podrivanje
savremenog sistema kolektivne bezbednosti, a posebno je obrađen slučaj
agresije NATO na SR Jugoslaviju i poguban uticaj na sistem kolektivne bezbednosti,
odnosno, ponovno ispoljavanje ozbiljnih nedostataka u kolektivnom sistemu
bezbednosti UN koji se mora revidirati.
Ključne reči: sistem kolektivne bezbednosti, mirovne snage
UN, medjunarodne vojne snage, "humanitarna intervencija"