Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 357 - 360

Series Linguistics and Literature
Volume I, Number 1-5; pp. 1-360.
This number completes the first volume of the Series "Linguistics and Literature" of the University of Niš Journal "Facta Universitatis".
As it may be noticed in the contents of all the numbers published so far, we have been trying to organize the editing activities in several directions: 1) to publish papers on language and literature; 2) to present Yugoslav scientific work to the world and to allow the scientists from Niš apprehend the world science; 3) to enable the world public an insight into the linguistic and literary science that is cherished in Niš; and, finally, 4) to publish not only the papers of the most renown scientists from Yugoslavia and abroad, but also the papers of young scientific workers, often the beginners in this field...
Due to this fact, the contents have been obviously unequal, but diverse and stimulative at the same time.
Although we have been constantly trying to take good care of everything mentioned, our results depended to a great extent on the possibilities in providing the papers for publishing.
In this respect, we owe our gratitude to the most meritorious persons in our linguistic and literary science (the academicians P. Ivić and M. Pantić), as well as to the esteemed academician late N. I. Tolstoy, who gave us their works for the Journal and thus greatly helped the beginning of our activities and foundation of the Series.
We are also grateful to all the others who trusted the Editorial Board and started cooperating with it, and we hope that this cooperation shall continue in even better and more fruitful manner.
Alongside with original scientific and professional works, we have been offering information on certain books published in Niš, on the results of research projects that were carried on in Niš, on initiatives in the science. We have been reporting on some jubilees, as well, and, unfortunately, on several great losses caused by deaths of our associates.
We would like to use this occasion to express our thanks to the former members of the Editorial Board and all the collaborators, together with our wishes for further cooperation.
The Editorial Board is looking forward to any scientific contribution that may be included in the contents of the next volumes. Our call for cooperation is open, and the addresses, both regular and electronic mail, are published in each number of the Series.