Vol.11, No 1, 2013 pp. 55 - 66
UDC 821.111.09-31 Joyce J.

Danica Igrutinović
Faculty for Media and Communication Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: igrutinovic@bvcom.net

This paper explores the metaphorical meanings of water in Joyce’s Ulysses within the mythology of water newly established in Modernism via interpretations of ancient myths by the first anthropologists and psychologists. Special regard is accorded to the symbolic journey over water, in which the hero is disintegrated, but then also regenerated by water.
Water in Ulysses is associated with exile from home, sanity, and stability, towards all that is primitive, irrational, or otherwise disturbing. As Protean prime matter, water is animalistic and feminine, and connected with sexuality, procreation, and motherhood. The Hades of ‘Hades’ and the Hell of ‘Circe’ are entered through water and contain all the watery horrors of the material. Death by water, which might bring regeneration with it, is amply alluded to and linked with lustral waters and baptism. Treasure yielded and represented by water includes unity, art, and the waters of life. It is suggested in the novel that a middle way might be found between the extremes of spirit and matter, objectivity and subjectivity, Scylla and Charybdis.
Key words: water, metaphor, Ulysses

Rad analizira metaforička značenja koja ima voda u Džojsovom Uliksu u okviru nove mitologije vode koju je uveo modernizam putem tumačenja drevnih mitova od strane prvih antropologa i psihologa. Posebno se osvrće na simboličko putovanje preko vode, u kome voda rastače, ali zatim i regeneriše junaka.
Voda se u Uliksu povezuje sa izgnanstvom iz stabilnosti doma i zdravog razuma ka svemu što je primitivno, iracionalno, ili na drugi način uznemirujuće. Kao protejska pramaterija, voda je animalna i feminina, povezana sa seksualnošću, rađanjem, i materinstvom. U Had 'Hada' i Pakao 'Kirke' ulazi se kroz vodu, a oni sadrže sve vodene strahote materije. Na smrt davljenjem, koja može sa sobom doneti regeneraciju, često se aludira u romanu, i ona se povezuje sa lustralnim vodama i krštenjem. Blaga koja voda daje i predstavlja uključuju međuljudsko jedinstvo, umetnost, i životodavnu vodu. U romanu se naznačava da je moguće pronaći srednji put između ekstrema duha i materije, objektivnosti i subjektivnosti, Skile i Haribde.
Ključne reči: voda, metafora, Uliks