Vol.11, No 1, 2013 pp. 1 - 11
UDC 811.111'282.4(41:73)

Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
E-mail: gscottounina@yahoo.it

This paper aims at analysing reciprocal comprehension between American and British English native speakers. Although American and British English are generally mutually intelligible, there are enough differences to cause misunderstandings in everyday life language. After a brief historical description of the main issues that have led to a differentiation of the two languages, the paper focuses on a description of lexical differences in the fields of housing, transport, shopping, food, and numerical systems, as part of everyday language that could lead to a complete failure of communication. To verify how well American and British speakers understand each other and whether they are aware of the lexical differences, a survey has been conducted among speakers of the two varieties. The sample was asked to complete a questionnaire by writing the American equivalent of 45 British words proposed and vice versa for the British speaking sample. The results demonstrate that reciprocal knowledge of the lexical differences is far from good. The results raise questions about what can truly be considered 'correct' English, and even if it is right to talk about a 'proper' English variety. Major awareness is proposed as a strategy to improve mutual intelligibility and respect between the two cultures.
Key words: American English, British English, survey study, lexical differences

U ovom radu želimo da ispitamo uzajamno razumevanje govornika kojima je američki odnosno britanski engleski maternji jezik. Iako su američki i britanski engleski podudarni, postoje razlike koje doprinose nerazumevanju u svakodnevnom sporazumevanju. Posle kratkog istorijskog osvrta na osnovne crte ova dva govora koje dovode do različitosti, u radu se bavimo opisom leksičkih razlika u poljima pokućstva, prevoza, kupovine, hrane i sistema brojeva koje postoje u svakodnevnom govoru, a koje bi mogle dovesti do potpunog neuspeha čina komunikacije. Kako bismo pokazali da li se američki i britanski govornici razumeju i da li su svesni postojećih leksičkih razlika, sproveli smo upitnik. Od govornika smo tražili da popune upitnik tako što će napisati američki ekvivalent 45 reči britanskog engleskog, i obrnuto. Rezultati su pokazali da poznavanje reči onog drugog govora nije ni malo zadovoljavajuće. Ovi rezultati navode nas na to da se zapitamo šta je zapravo ispravan engleski, i da li možemo govoriti o tačnom engleskom. Predlažemo da se na ovo obrati pažnja kao način da se poboljša međusobno razumevanje i uvažavanje među kulturama.
Ključne reči: američki engleski, britanski engleski, upitnik, leksičke razlike