Vol.10, No 2, 2012 pp. 109 - 124
UDC 821.161.1.09 Dostojevski F. M.

Michelle Zvedeniuk
Monash University, Australia

This paper addresses a new model of meaning structuring Fyodor Dostoevsky's novella, The Double (1846) that moves away from the contextual literary background of nineteenth century Realism in which it was initially published. Dostoevsky's depiction of madness, hysteria and anxiety through The Double's protagonist, Golyadkin, indicates that there is less of an emphasis on the social and religious aspects of the novella than on the psychological complexities of the subject. Dostoevsky's innovative insight into the mind prompts the question of the wider aesthetic frame in which The Double can be understood. The frame which suggests itself because of its emphasis on the unconscious is Freudian psychoanalysis. In this paper, The Double is treated as a text whose poetics ground the Freudian psychoanalytic theories depicted in his paper on "The 'Uncanny'" (1919), which stresses the significance of repression that constitutes a split in identity. By examining and analysing Golyadkin through the framework of psychoanalysis offered by Freud's "The 'Uncanny'," which addresses such concepts as Oedipal anxiety, repression, castration and the split in subjectivity, the contention of this paper is to offer Dostoevsky as an innovative and inventive author whose insights into the world of psychoanalysis were far ahead of his literary-historical context.
Key words: Dostoevsky, realism, madness, unconsciousness, identity

Ovaj rad bavi se novim modelom strukturisanja značenja u noveli Fjodora Dostojevskog "Dvojnik" koji predstavlja zaokret od kontekstualnog realizma 19. veka. Opis ludila, histerije i strepnje koji Dostojevski opisuje u "Dvojniku" u liku Goljadkina pokazuje da manje pažnje posvećuje društvenim i religioznim pitanjima nego psihološkoj problematici. Njegov novi uvid u psihologiju pokreće pitanje šire estetike u kojoj se nalazi "Dvojnik". Naglasak je na Frojdovskoj psihoananalizi i nesvesnom. U ovom radu "dvojnik" postavlja poetiku o kojoj je pisao Frojd u svome radu "Tajnovitost" (1919), naglašavajući značaj potiskivanja koji ukazuje na rascep ličnosti. Kroz analizu Goljadkina, i uz pomoć Frojdove analize koja govori o Edipalnoj strepnji, potiskivanju, kastraciji i rascepu ličnosti i njene subjektivnosti, u radu se ističe da je Dostojevski inventivan i inovativan i da je daleko išao ispred literarno-istorijskog perioda anticipirajući koncepcije iz psihoanalitičke teorije.
Ključne reči: Dostojevski, realizam, ludilo, nesvesno, identitet