Vol.10, No 2, 2012 pp. 89 - 98
UDC 81'276.6:34

Maja Stanojević Gocić
College of Applied Vocational Studies, Vranje, Serbia
E-mail: majastanojevic30@gmail.com

This paper is concerned with cohesive devices in written legal discourse, which is a differentiated language variety with a number of prominent features. The ways in which coherence and cohesion are formed in written legal discourse are explained, as well as the ways in which cohesive devices in legal texts contribute to coherence. Cohesive devices are first theoretically explicated and afterward they are analyzed on the basis of examples taken from references and the corpus. The corpus is created from legal documents of the European Union.
Key words: legal discourse, coherence, cohesion, cohesive devices, reference.

U radu se obrađuju kohezivna sredstva u pisanom pravnom diskursu, koji predstavlja diferencirani jezički varijetet sa više istaknutih odlika. Objašnjava se kako se koherentnost i kohezija formiraju u pisanom pravnom diskursu i na koji način kohezivna sredstva u pravnim tekstovima doprinose koherentnosti. Kohezivna sredstva su najpre teorijski objašnjena, a zatim se analiziraju na primerima iz literature i primerima iz korpusa. Korpus je sačinjen od pravnih dokumenata Evropske unije.
Ključne reči: pravni diskurs, koherentnost, kohezija, kohezivna sredstva, referencija