Vol.8, No 1, 2010 pp. 9 - 17
UDC 821.111(73).09

Darja Mazi – Leskovar
University of Maribor, Slovenia
E-mail: darja.leskovar@uni-mb.si

Intercultural and intracultural dialogue have become increasingly important in the 20th century society and the two forms of multicultural communication are repeatedly reflected not only in children's literature but also in mainstream fiction. Even though today it seems that more research related to the depiction of multicultural situation focuses on the visual media, the impact of literary texts on audiences is still so strong that the analysis of classical works of multicultural literature remains essential. Hence, the goal of this paper is to establish how literature aiming at mature adult readers can contribute to sensitization to multicultural communication. The issue will be tackled by focusing on Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) which is considered as one of the classics of multicultural fiction in English and was translated into several languages. This paper first analyses the multicultural issues presented in this literary work and then establishes to what a degree the presentation of the issues related to the 1930s in the United States of America can still foster multicultural awareness. The results of this study reveal that the elaboration of all fictional entities promotes intercultural awareness of mature readers and advocates intercultural and intracultural understanding.
Key words: Fiction for adults, To Kill a Mockingbird, intercultural, understanding, to promote, intracultural, dialogue, multicultural identity

Interkulturalni i intrakulturalni dijalog u društvu dvadesetog veka postaje sve važniji, pa se ova dva oblika multikulturalne komunikacije stalno reflektuju ne samu u literaturi za decu već i u opštoj književnosti. Premda se čini da većina istraživanja posvećenog multikuluranosti ima u vidu vizuelne medije, uticaj književnih tekstova na čitalačku publiku je još uvek tako snažan da je i dalje analiza klasičnih dela multikulturalne književnosti od suštinskog značaja. Prema tome, cilj našeg istraživanja je da ustanovimo kako literatura usmerena ka zrelom čitaocu može dovesti do pojačanog osećaja za mulikulturalnu komunikaciju. Ovom problemu posvećujemo se koriteći roman "Ubiti pticu rugalicu" autorice Harper Lee (1960) za koji se govori da je jedan od klasika mulikulturalne fikcije na engleskom jeziku, prevedenom na mnoge jezike. Prvo analizujemo multikulturalne teme koje se mogu naći u ovom romanu, a potom razmatramo stepen u kome se problemi S.A.D., tridesetih godina prošlog veka mogu naći kao pokretači mulikulturalne svesti. Rezultati naše studije otkrivaju da kod zrelih čitalaca razrada kniževnih likova podstiče interkulturalnu svest, te podstiče interkulturalno i intrakulturalno razumevanje.
Ključne reči: književnost za odrasle, "Ubiti pticu rugalicu", interkulturalno, razumevanje, podsticanje, intrakulturalno, dijalog, mulikulturalni identitet