Vol.7, No 1, 2009 pp. 29 - 45
UDC 81 : 78      81 : 801.654

Mihailo Antović
Department of English, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš

In this study we conducted ERP measurement of the P300 evoked potential in three separate tasks. Five musicians and five nonmusicians listened to sequences in which a series of short tones of the same frequency was occasionally interrupted by an octave higher tone. In the first task, with the tempo of one tone in two seconds, the participants counted the higher tones; in the second task, they repeated the procedure, where the only difference was the slower tempo - one tone in three seconds; in the third task, the tempo was significantly faster - four tones in a second, and the participants were asked to ignore pitch changes and internally sequence a 4/4 beat and preserve this patterning until the end of the stimulus (about 4 minutes). Results suggest increased P300 latencies in the second and the third task, especially in the nondominant and dominant temporal areas, respectively. In the third task, P300 and P600 were recorded in all musicians, but in none of the nonmusicians. In addition to the conspicuous difference between musicians and nonmusicians, this suggests that simultaneous perception of a number of factors prolongs EP latencies, which may provide some neurophysiological grounds for constraint-based theories in the cognitive sciences of language and music, such as Optimality Theory. Additionally, pronounced excitation of the left temporal lobe may reveal some common neurological resources for metrical tasks in language and music.
Key words: ERP, P300, meter, language, music

U ovom radu merili smo evocirani potencijal P300 u tri odvojena zadatka. Pet muzičara i pet nemuzičara slušalo je sekvence u kojima je niz kratkih tonova iste frekvencije povremeno prekidan za oktavu višim tonom. U prvom zadatku, pri tempu od jednog tona u dve sekunde, učesnici su brojali visoke tonove; u drugom zadatku, ponovili su istu proceduru, osim što je tempo bio sporiji – jedan ton u tri sekunde; u trećem zadatku, tempo je bio značajno brži – četiri tona u sekundi, a učesnici su zamoljeni da ignorišu promene tonskih visina i internalizovano izgrade svest o četvoročetvrtinskom taktu počev od bilo kog tona koji čuju, te da zadrže ovakav metrički sklop do kraja draži (oko četiri minuta). Rezultati sugerišu porast latencije potencijala P300 u drugom i trećem zadatku, naročito, i to redom, u nedominantnim i dominantnim temporalnim zonama. U trećem zadatku, potencijali P300 i P600 registrovani su kod muzičara, ali ne i kod nemuzičara. Uz vrlo primetnu razliku između muzičara i nemuzičara, ovo sugeriše da istovremena aktivnost većeg broja faktora produžava latencije evociranih potencijala, što ukazuje na neurofiziološku osnovu teorija  baziranih na ograničenjima u kognitivnim istraživanjima jezika i muzike, poput teorije optimalnosti. Uz to, izražena ekscitacija levog temporalnog režnja sugeriše da postoje neki zajednički neurološki resursi pri metričkim zadacima u jeziku i muzici.
Ključne reči: potencijali povezani sa događajem, P300, metrika, jezik, muzika