Vol.6, No 1, 2008pp. 61 - 71
UDC 811.111'367.625+811.111'366.58
Jagoda Topalov
Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad
This paper deals with the specific combinations of verbs and particles
known as phrasal verbs, analyzing them with regards to the progressive
aspect. The analysis is based on a corpus containing frequent and illustrative
examples of phrasal verbs with particles down, out and on. The author considers
the interaction between the semantic features and the progressive aspect
markers of verbs in various sentential contexts, as well as the effect
of the particles on the aktionsart category of the verbs. Three English
informants gave their opinion on the grammaticality of the examples and
offered their interpretation. The paper concludes with some general remarks
concerning the findings on possible interpretations of the progressive.
Key words: English, phrasal verbs, progressive aspect, aktionsart,
Rad se bavi naročitim kombinacijama glagola i partikule, poznatim pod
nazivom frazni glagoli, i analizom njihovog značenja u progresivnom vidu.
Analiza se zasniva na korpusu koji obuhvata frazne glagole s partikulama
down, out i on. Autorka razmatra interakciju semantičkih odlika fraznih
glagola i markera progresivnog vida u raznim rečeničnim kontekstima,
kao i uticaj partikula na tip glagolske situacije. Gramatičnost primera
je proveravana s engleskim informantima, koji su ponudili i objašnjenje
značenja. Rad se završava navođenjem opštih zaključaka po pitanju
moguće interpretacije fraznih glagola u progresivnom vidu.
Ključne reči: frazni glagoli, progresivni vid, tip glagolske
situacije, obeležje cilj