Vol.3, No 1, 2004 pp. 139 - 149
UDC 821.111.09:821.111-2 Shakespeare W.
Danijela Petković
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia
In the 1980s, New Historicism was a strikingly innovative way of examining
literary history, as well as practicing literary theory. Greatly influenced
by the work of Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault, New Historicists in
America and their British counterparts, Cultural Materialists, set to rewrite
the history of Western literature in such a way as to challenge what they
considered the socio-politically determined literary canon of the past.
In practice, this meant that classical texts from Renaissance and Romanticism
- Shakespeare's plays in particular - were re-viewed from a far less favorable
perspective; great works of art were discovered to have been reproducing
the discourses of power and sustained the system, without ever seriously
challenging it - asserting thus the oppressive omnipotence of culture.
This paper explores not so much the theory of New Historicism/Cultural
Materialism but the potentially dangerous uses of both the assumptions
these critics start from and the conclusions at which they arrive. The
works examined closely are several essays by Stephen Greenblatt and Alan
Sinfield in which they attempt to demonstrate that Shakespeare's plays,
from King Henry IV to Othello, are the most powerful instruments for the
promotion of culture. These interpretations are necessarily contrasted
with the humanist tradition that set up Shakespeare as the most passionate
explorer (by no means the promoter) of Western culture and its many crimes.
Ovaj rad ne istražuje samo teorijske osnove novog istorizma/kulturnog materijalizma,
već i potencijalne zloupotrebe kako pretpostavki od kojih ovi autori polaze,
tako i zaključaka do kojih dolaze. Autor se bavi kritičkim esejima Stivena
Grinbleta i Alana Sinfilda u kojima oni pokušavaju da dokažu da su Šekspirovi
komadi, od Kralja Henrija IV pa do Otela, najmoćniji instrumenti za promociju
jedne duboko nepravedne kulture. Njihove interpretacije se neizbežno porede
sa drugačijim, humanističkim čitanjima Šekspira, koja su odavno utvrdila
da je on jedan od najstrastvenijih kritičara zapadnjačke kulture, a nikako
njen promoter.