Vol.3, No 1, 2004 pp. 37 - 46
UDC 81'246.2
Jovana Dimitrijević
University of Melbourne
In the past, detailed structural description has largely been absent from
code-switching research informed by the principles of conversation analysis
(CA) (e.g. Auer, 1998). In this paper, I will try to argue in favor of
situating a sequential analysis of code-switching in bilingual conversation
within a structural description of bilingual speech. A structural description
contributes to the interpretive analysis in that: (1) the analytic process
itself is made transparent in its entirety; and (2) the structural variety
of code-switches is revealed, as is the potential for items identical in
terms of structure to differ in terms of interactional meaning.
Do danas, detaljan opis strukture dvojezičnog govora retko je prisutan
u studijama koje posmatraju code-switching iz perspektive uobličene principima
analize konverzacije (AK) (npr. Auer, 1998). U ovom radu, pokušaću da pokažem
da opis strukutre dvojezičnog govora doprinosi analizama AK tipa u tom
da: (1) sam analitički proces postaje transparentan u celosti; i (2) ovakav
pristup otkriva raznovrsnost struktura dvojezičnog govora koje možemo uvrstiti
u code-switching, kao i mogućnost da se elementi identični po strukturi
mogu razlikovati po značenju u dvojezičnoj interakciji.