Vol.2, No 8, 2001 pp. 243 - 256
UDC 820.09-1
Suzana Stefanović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Yugoslavia
This paper explores the influence that the English literary tradition has
had on the poetry of Seamus Heaney, notably the work of William Wordsworth.
That Heaney epitomizes the dilemma of the modern poet is evident from the
tension between the two poetic modes that inform his writing, the "masculine"
and the "feminine" mode respectively, or the poetry of the "makers" and
"takers." Heaney oscillates between these poetic modes as he struggles
to come to terms with his poetic predecessors -
Wordsworth, William Butler Yeats, and James Joyce. He strives to reconcile
the need to be true to his own poetic voice, to work from within the realm
of his imagination, and the pressure imposed from without to deal with
the social or political predicaments of our age. This paper aims to show
the presence and relevance of the Wordsworthian tradition in Heaney's work,
by focusing on those aspects of Wordsworth's poetry which Heaney has adopted
or assimilated into his work, namely the "spots of time," or the function
of memory, the visionary or transcendental aspect of poetry, the act of
poetic creation, the fidelity to the simple and commonplace, and nature
and the traditional or rural way of life as poetic subjects, to name the
most obvious.
Ovaj rad istražuje uticaj engleske književne tradicije na poeziju Šejmasa
Hinija, prvenstveno uticaj Viljema Vordsvorta. Da Hinijeva poezija oličava
dilemu savremenog pesnika uočljivo je iz tenzije izmedju dva poetska modusa
suprotstavljena u njegovom stvaralaštvu. To su "muški" i "ženski"poetski
modus, odnosno poezija "zanatljija" i "proroka.". On pokušava da pomiri
dve kontradiktorne težnje; sa jedne strane, postoji pesnikova potreba da
bude veran svom unutrašnjem glasu i, sa druge strane, da odoli pritiscima
zajednice da se jasno izjasni o političkim zbivanjima u društvu. Ovaj rad
ukazuje na značaj i prisutnost Vordsvortovske tradicije u Hinijevom stvaralaštvu,
ističući one aspekte Vordsvortove poezije koje je Hini asimilovao u svom
radu, a najočiglednije su "spots of time," uloga sećanja, vizionarski ili
transcendentalni aspekt poezije, poezija kao stvaralački čin, privrženost
jednostavnom i svakodnevnom, priroda i tradicionalni ili seoski način života
kao predmet poezije.