Vol. 10, No 4, 2013 pp. 447 - 456
UDC 339.727.22
Goran Milovanović1, Goran Radisavljević2, Saša Bjeletić3
1Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
2JUNIS, University of Niš
3Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
Enhancement of economic competitiveness, increase of export and conquest of new markets are the main objectives of the strategy in the development of each country. Regardless of the fact that Serbia has been in transition for thirteen years, the competitiveness of the Serbian economy is extremely low, as evidenced by the criteria and indicators of the relevant institutions and researches. The essential reasons for the weak competitiveness are the unfinished structural reforms of the industrial sector, and the lack of activation in its export and developing potential. In order to achieve easier and better access to world markets and improve its competitiveness, the Republic of Serbia has to make structural changes in the economy by introducing appropriate technologies and increasing exports based on technology-intensive products. To achieve this, it must improve the investment climate and attract foreign direct investments (FDI) in those sectors that may be carriers of exports and economic growth in the coming years.
Key Words: competitiveness, structural change, increasing exports, FDI, the Republic of Serbia
Jačanje konkurentnosti privrede, povećanje izvoza i osvajanje novih tržišta osnovni su ciljevi strategije razvoja svake zemlje. Nezavisno od toga što je trinaest godina u tranziciji, konkurentnost privrede Republike Srbije je izuzetno niska, što potvrđuju kriterijumi i pokazatelji relevantnih institucija i istraživanja. Suštinski razlog slabe konkurentnosti su nezavršene strukturne reforme industrijskog sektora, i nedovoljno aktiviranje njegovih izvoznih i razvojnih potencijala. Da bi ostvarila što lakši i bolji pristup svetskom tržištu i unapredila konkurentnost Republika Srbija mora da izvrši strukturne promene u privredi uvođenjem odgovarajuće tehnologije i povećanjem izvoza baziranog na tehnološki-intenzivnim proizvodima. Da bi to postigla ona mora da poboljša investicionu klimu i privuče strane direktne investicije (SDI) u one sektore koji mogu da budu nosioci izvoza i privrednog razvoja u narednim godinama.
Ključne reči: konkurentnost, strukturne promene, povećanje izvoza, strane direktne investicije, Republika Srbija