Vol. 10, No 4, 2013 pp. 331 - 343
UDC 005.331
Biljana Djordjević, Suzana Stefanović
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia

In terms of business globalization, one of the key decisions that companies must make is related to the selection of the employees who will perform activities and tasks abroad. In this regard, three categories of employees are available to companies: members of the parent country, members of the host country and members of the third country. The decision on their choice is very important since it affects the ability of companies to establish adequate control over the functioning of entities abroad, and the ability to adequately observe local conditions. However, this decision is not simple because it is affected by numerous situational factors which often act in opposite directions. Therefore, having in mind the importance of such decision and complexity of its making the goal of this paper arises. That is the systematization and analysis of the key factors that determine the decision on the selection of personnel for activities abroad. The basic premise of this paper is that before companies make such a decision, they must analyze the effects of three groups of factors: the host country specific factors, the companies' specific factors, and the so-called hybrid factors which are specific combination of the previous groups of factors. The paper also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of particular approach in staffing policy.
Key Words: internationalization, staffing, human resources, management, multinational companies

U uslovima globalizacije poslovanja jedna od ključnih odluka koje kompanije moraju doneti vezana je za izbor osoblja koje će radne zadatke obavljati u inostranstvu. Kompanijama se na raspolaganju nalaze tri kategorije zaposlenih: pripadnici matične zemlje, pripadnici zemlje domaćina i pripadnici trećih zemalja. Odluka o njihovom izboru je veoma važna jer utiče na sposobnost kompanija da uspostave adekvatnu kontrolu nad funkcionisanjem entiteta u inostranstvu, kao i na sposobnost da se adekvatno sagledaju lokalne prilike. Međutim, takva odluka nije nimalo jednostavna jer na nju utiče čitav niz situacionih fakotra koji često deluju u suprotnim smerovima. Stoga, imajući u vidu važnost ovakve odluke, kao i složenost njenog donošenja, proizašao je i cilj ovog rada a to je sistematizacija i analiza ključnih faktora koji utiču na izbor osoblja koje će radne zadatke obavljati u inostranstvu. Polazna pretpostavka rada je da kompanije pre nego donesu takvu odluku moraju da analiziraju efekte tri grupe faktora: faktore vezane za specifičnost zemlje domaćina, faktore vezane za specifičnost kompanije i tzv. hibridne faktore koji su svojevrsna kobinacija prethodnih grupa faktora. U radu se, takođe, govori i o prednostima i nedostacima pojedinih orijentacija u politici internacionalnog staffinga.
Ključne reči: internacionalizacija, kadriranje, ljudski resursi, menadžment, multinacionalne kompanije