Vol. 10, No 3, 2013 pp. 283 - 299
UDC 65.015.25
Ernad Kahrović
State University of Novi Pazar, Department of Economic Sciences, Serbia

The management of modern companies includes the application of the process approach. Process approach in management is necessary since it provides a new perspective to the company's management in terms of identifying problematic, inefficient processes and activities that have a negative impact on the overall efficiency and competitive position of the company. Such business management which includes adoption and implementation of the process approach requires consideration of the issues related to designing a business processes performance measurement system as a key control and management instrument. Those companies that have not implemented process approach to management in the past, but, however, choose to implement this approach because they are faced with a fierce competition, need to set up a process performance measurement system. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to shed light on the key moments in the design and implementation of the performance measurement systems in a process-oriented company. In order to look at the above mentioned issues, the paper is organized as follows. The first section of the paper discusses the characteristics of the process orientation and classification of business processes in a process-oriented company. A conceptual framework of business process performance is developed in the following section. This is necessary in order to determine the concept of business processes performance measurement, as well as business process performance dimensions. Setting up the conceptual framework for business process performances and their measurement is a basis for analyzing the so-called strategic approach to the selection of the indicators of the business process performance and setting up (designing) business process performance measurement systems in a process-oriented company. At the end of the paper, the attention is given to the important moments and stages in developing a system to measure the performance characteristics of the business processes in a process-oriented company.
Key Words: business processes, measurement, performances

Upravljanje savremenim preduzećima pretpostavlja i primenu procesnog pristupa. Procesni pristup u upravljanju je neophodan jer pruža novu perspektivu menadžmentu u rasvetljavanju problematičnih, neefikasnih procesa i aktivnosti koje se negativno odražavaju na ukupnu efikasnost i konkurentsku poziciju preduzeća. Upravljanje preduzećem, usvajanjem i primenom procesnog pristupa, zahteva razmatranje problema dizajniranja sistema merenja performansi poslovnih procesa, kao vitalnog kontrolno-upravljačkog instrumenta. Preduzeća koja nisu koristila procesni pristup u upravljanju i koja žele da ga primene jer ih oštri konkurentski uslovi teraju na to, nužno treba da ustroje sistem merenja performansi poslovnih procesa. Stoga je cilj rada da rasvetli ključne momente u dizajniranju i implementaciji sistema merenja performansi u procesno orijentisanom preduzeću. Strukturu rada čini nekoliko celina. U prvoj se najpre razmatraju karakteristike procesne orijentacije i klasifikacija poslovnih procesa u procesno orijentisanom preduzeću. Nakon toga se razvija konceptualni okvir performansi poslovnih procesa. To je neophodno da bi se determinisao koncept merila performansi poslovnih procesa i dimenzija performansi poslovnih procesa. Postavljanje konceptualnog okvira performansi poslovnih procesa i merila performansi poslovnih procesa jesu osnove za razmatranje tzv. strategijskog pristupa u izboru merila performansi poslovnih procesa i postavljanju sistema merenja performansi poslovnih procesa u procesno orijentisanom preduzeću. Na kraju se pažnja fokusira na važne momente i etape u razvijanju sistema za merenje performansi poslovnih procesa u procesno orijentisanom preduzeću.
Ključne reči: poslovni procesi, merenje, performanse