Vol. 10, No 3, 2013 pp. 217 - 229
UDC 330.567.2
Ivana Božić Miljković
University "Union" - Faculty of Legal and Business studies "Dr Lazar Vrkatić" Novi Sad

In today's conditions of world economic globalization and regionalization, macroeconomic stability is an increasingly important factor in the growth and development of national economies. It is conditioned and influenced by numerous factors which are subject to national economic policies, as well as global and regional factors which are also a product of the actions of their institutions. The area of public spending, especially the problem of balancing the budget, is extremely important, both from the standpoint of regulating the internal economic processes and the international economic position of each country. It is largely the responsibility of nation states, which regulate this area within the scope of their economic and social functions, while respecting the standards and principles agreed upon within the framework of international organizations and institutions, or by special agreements. The situation in the public spending sector, especially its balance or imbalance, is an important area of economic political action which influences: the relationship between current spending and savings, trends in global demand, the standard of living and prevention of poverty and the scope of investments - which economic growth and employment depend upon to a great extent. In these relationships the burden of public spending is distributed between different layers of society (its social strata), establishing the relationship between the present and future time in the economy and economic conditions of people's lives. The objective of this paper is to research the relationship between public spending and macroeconomic stability, taking into account contemporary trends and problems in these areas in individual countries and in the world.
Key Words: public spending, macroeconomic stability, investments, taxation, savings

U savremenim uslovima globalizacije i regionalizacije svetske privrede, makroekonomska stabilnost dobija sve više na značaju kao faktor rasta i razvoja nacionalnih privreda. Nju uslovljavaju i na nju deluju brojni faktori koji su predmet delovanja nacionalnih ekonomskih politika, kao i oni faktori koji dolaze iz globalnog i regionalnog okruženja i koji su proizvod delovanja njihovih institucija. Oblast javne potrošnje, posebno problem uravnoteženja budžeta, naročito je značajna, kako sa stanovišta regulisanja unutrašnjih ekonomskih tokova tako i sa stanovišta međunarodnog ekonomskog položaja svake zemlje. Ona je najvećim delom u nadležnosti nacionalnih država koje u okviru svojih ekonomskih i socijalnih funkcija regulišu ovu oblast, poštujući pritom standarde i načela dogovorene u okviru međunarodnih organizacija i institucija, ili posebnim ugovorima. Stanje u sektoru javne potrošnje, posebno njegova ravnoteža ili neravnoteža, predstavlja važno područje delovanja ekonomske politike, kojim se utiče na: odnos tekuće potrošnje i štednje, tokove u globalnoj tražnji, životni standard stanovništva i sprečavanje siromaštva, obim investicija - od koga u najvećoj meri zavisi privredni rast i zaposlenost. U tim odnosima se raspoređuje teret javne potrošnje između različitih delova društva (njegovih socijalnih slojeva), uspostavljaju se odnosi između sadašnjeg i budućeg vremena u ekonomiji i ekonomskim uslovima života ljudi. Zadatak ovog priloga jeste da istraži odnose između javne potrošnje i makroekonomske stabilnosti, imajući u vidu savremene trendove i probleme u tim oblastima u pojedinim zemljama i svetu.
Ključne reči: javna potrošnja, makroekonomska stabilnost, investicije, oporezivanje, štednja