Vol. 9, No 4, 2012 pp. 507 - 519
UDC 330.123.3:005
Nikola Milićević1, Milivoje Davidović1, Marina Stefanović2
1The Faculty of Economics Subotica, Serbia
2Metropolitan University Belgrade, Serbia
Effective financial management of trading companies refers to the constant questioning of the necessity of investing in any form of business assets. Therefore, inventories, which often assume major cash investments, must be carefully monitored and controlled. Special emphasis is placed on the costs arising from their existence. Based on the analysis of the costs associated with acquiring and holding an inventory, commercial companies make different decisions regarding the size of the order and the time of its placement. Application of various models, including the "optimal inventory management" model, can significantly facilitate the decision-making process. The analysis in this paper focuses on the effects of the application of the EOQ model in supplies optimization of the company "XY". The analysis showed that there is an economic motivation to apply this model, since its implementation significantly reduces the inventory costs, which contributes to overall profitability. By applying this model in the case of the trading company “XY”, the total inventory costs would be lower by 1.88%. Ordering costs would be reduced by 30%, the inventory holding costs would increase by 7.45%, but it would significantly reduce investment in inventories.
Key Words: inventory holding costs, costs of ordering, safety stocks, EOQ model

Efikasno upravljanje finansijama trgovinskih preduzeća odnosi se na stalno preispitivanje neophodnosti investiranja u bilo koji od vidova poslovnih sredstava. Stoga, treba pažljivo pratiti i kontrolisati zalihe, koje često podrazumevaju velike gotovinske investicije. Poseban akcenat je stavljen na troškove koji proizilaze iz njihovog postojanja. Na osnovu analize troškova u vezi sa nabavkom i držanjem zaliha, trgovinska preduzeća donose različite odluke u pogledu veličine porudžbine i trenutka poručivanja. Primena različitih modela, uključujući model "optimalnog upravljanja zalihama", može značajno olakšati proces donošenja odluka. Analiza u ovom radu se odnosi na efekte primene EOQ modela (ekonomična količina poručivanja) na optimizaciju zaliha predzeća "XY". Analiza je pokazala da postoji ekonomska motivacija za primenu ovog modela, jer ona značajno smanuje troškove zaliha, što doprinosi ukupnoj profitabilnosti. Primenom ovog modela u slučaju trgovinskog preduzeća “XY”, ukupni troškovi zaliha bi bili smanjeni za 1,88%. Troškovi poručivanja bi bili smanjeni za 30%, troškovi držanja zaliha bi bili povećani za 7,45%, ali bi investiranje u zalihe bilo značajno smanjeno.
Ključne reči: troškovi držanja zaliha, troškovi poručivanja, sigurnosne zalihe, EOQ model