Vol. 9, No 4, 2012 pp. 429 - 439
UDC 330.342
Zoran Stefanović, Branislav Mitrović
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia
Recorded currentsof postsocialist trransformation have demonstrated deficiencies of transitional orthodoxy,particularly its insensitivity to the subtle effects and peculiarities of institutional structures in economies in transition. Informal institutions, firmly rooted in the minds of actors and existing business practices have proven to be particularly important determinants of the speed and efficiency of the transition. Transfer of the institutions from the West, according to the recipe of "Washington consensus'' was often impossible or very difficult, becuse of ignoring these institutional circumstances of countries in transition. Examples of today's fast-growing developing countries, show that the establishment of an efficient market economy is possible through bypassing recommendations for economic orthodoxy, relying on local resources and sensitivity to existing institutional circumstances. Delayed transition of the Serbian economy, burdened with unfarovable and often destructive socio-economic trends, requires a realistic institutional policy, sensitive to local conditions and constraints. Equally important task is to select the model of the market economy as the final destination of the transition, whose institutional characteristics should be well embedded in particular culturally and historically conditioned context of the national economy.
Key Words: informal institutions, transition orthodoxy, belated transistion, models of capitalism

Zabeleženi tokovi postsocijalističke transformacije demonstrirali su nedostatke tranzicione ortodoksije, a naročito njenu neosetljivost na suptilna dejstva i osobenost institucionalnih struktura privreda u tranziciji.Neformalne institucije, čvrsto ukorenjene u svest aktera i postojeće poslovne prakse, pokazale su se posebno bitnom determinantom brzine i efikasnosti tranzicije. Transfer institucija sa Zapada, shodno recepturi "Vašingtonskog konsenzusa", neretko je bio onemogućen ili znatno otežan zbog ignorisanja pomenutih institucionalnih okolnosti zemalja u tranziciji. Primeri današnjih brzorastućih zemalja u razvoju, pokazuju da je moguća izgradnja efikasne tržišne privrede zaobilaženjem preporuka ekonomske ortodoksije, uz oslonoac na domaće resurse i senzibilitet prema postojećim institucionalnim okolnostima. Zakasnela tranzicija privrede Srbije, opterećena nepovoljnim i neretko destruktivnim društveno-ekonomskim tokovima, iziskuje realističnu institucionalnu politiku, osetljivu na lokalne uslove i ograničenja. Jednako važan zadatak je i odabir modela tržišne privrede kao konačne destinacije tranzicije, čije bi institucionalne karakteristike bile dobro uklopljene u osoben kulturno-istorijski uslovljen nacionalni kontekst privređivanja.
Ključne reči: neformalne institucije, tranziciona ortodoksija, zakasnela tranzicija, modeli kapitalizma