Vol. 9, No 3, 2012 pp. 327 - 339
UDC 005.961:005.914.3
Suzana Stefanović, Danijela Stošić
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia
Age and educational level of individuals are considered to be important determinants of entrepreneurial activity in the models of the labour market status selection (self-employment versus paid employment selection). In addition to the presentation of different results and arguments for impact of these factors on the self-employment, the aim of this paper is to show the state and the dynamics of entrepreneurial activity, i.e. the self-employment in the Republic of Serbia in terms of age and educational structure of the self-employed. Quantitative analysis of the statistical data indicates that during the 2004-2011 period individuals aged 50-54 years were the most frequent among the self-employed in the Republic of Serbia, and that the half of the self-employed in the Republic of Serbia is over 50 years old. Analysis of the self-employed and employees educational structures in the Republic of Serbia suggests that the paid employment is the preferred employment option for more educated individuals, given the fact that the self-employment rate decreases with increasing levels of education, and that the relative share of individuals with the college and the university degree is two times higher in the structure of the employees than the share of these individuals in the structure of the self-employed.
Key Words: entrepreneurship, factors, self-employment, age, education

Godine starosti i nivo obrazovanja pojedinca se u modelima izbora statusa na tržištu rada (preduzetništvo, odnosno samozapošljavanje versus plaćena zaposlenost) smatraju bitnim determinantama preduzetničke aktivnosti. Uz prikaz različitih rezultata istraživanja i argumentacije uticaja ovih faktora na samozapošljavanje pojedinaca, cilj rada je da se prikaže stanje i dinamika preduzetničke aktivnosti, odnosno samozaposlenosti u Republici Srbiji sa aspekta starosne i obrazovne strukture samozaposlenih. Kvantitativna analiza statističkih podataka ukazuje na to da su u periodu 2004-2011. godine osobe starosti 50-54 godine bile najzastupljenije u grupi samozaposlenih u Republici Srbiji, dok je polovina samozaposlenih u Republici Srbiji starija od 50 godina. Analiza obrazovne strukture samozaposlenih i zaposlenih u Republici Srbiji ukazuje na to da je plaćena zaposlenost preferirana opcija obrazovanijih pojedinaca, budući da se sa povećanjem nivoa obrazovanja smanjuje stopa samozaposlenosti, kao i to da je relativno učešće osoba sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom u strukturu zaposlenih duplo veće u odnosu na učešće obrazovanijih pojedinaca u strukturi samozaposlenih.
Ključne reči: preduzetništvo, faktori, samozaposlenost, godine starosti, obrazovanje