Vol. 9, No 3, 2012 pp. 283 - 295
UDC 005.22
Slavica P. Petrović
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
An increasing complexity and variety of the management problems in contemporary circumstances implies that the problem situations that are relevant for the enterprises' survival and development should be observed and explored as appropriate complex, dynamic, interactive, and ambiguous systems of problems. A systemic reconceptualization of the management problems in business economics is aimed at creative improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the management process in enterprises. Actually, through the critical systems thinking and practice, the dichotomies of management problems should be identified, the two corresponding methodological orientations ought to be singled out and reviewed, and then the appropriate systems methodologies for structuring the problem situations and the suitable methods for solving the problems in enterprises should be joined to the main problem contexts resulting from the simultaneous consideration of the two key dimensions of the management issues. By means of systems reconceptualization of management problems in business economics, the process of making the theoretical-methodologically grounded, practically useful and socially responsible changes, whose implementation should result in a significant improvement of the enterprise functioning, can be significantly underpinned.
Key Words: systems approach to management, problems and problem situations, methods and methodologies, problem contexts, creative improvement of management

Rastuća kompleksnost i varijetetnost upravljačkih problema u savremenim okolnostima implicira da problemske situacije relevantne za opstanak i razvoj preduzeća trebaju biti posmatrane i istraživane kao složeni, dinamički, interaktivni, višeznačni sistemi problema. Sistemska rekonceptualizacija upravljačkih problema poslovne ekonomije je usmerena na kreativno unapređivanje efektivnosti i efikasnosti procesa upravljanja u preduzećima. Zapravo, kroz kritičko sistemsko mišljenje i praksu, dihotomije upravljačkih problema bi trebale biti identifikovane, dve korespondentne metodološke orijentacije bi trebale biti izdvojene i istražene, a zatim primerene sistemske metodologije strukturiranja problemskih situacija, odnosno, odgovarjući metodi rešavanja problema trebaju biti pridruženi osnovnim problemskim kontekstima koji rezultiraju iz jednovremenog razmatranja dve ključne dimenzije upravljačkih problema u preduzećima. Kroz proces sistemske rekonceptualizacije upravljačkih problema u preduzećima može biti kreativno poduprt proces opredeljivanja naučno utemeljenih, praktično korisnih i društveno odgovornih promena, čijom implementacijom mogu biti kreativno unapređeni rezultati funkcionisanja preduzeća.
Ključne reči: sistemski pristup menadžmentu, problemi i problemske situacije, metodi i metodologije, problemski konteksti, kreativno unapređivanje upravljanja