Vol.8, No 3, 2011 pp. 313 - 320
UDC 001.895
Krasimir Kerchev
Department of Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria

Development is dedicated to innovation. The founder of the innovation theory Josef Schumpeter connects innovation with entrepreneurial activity and defines it as the creation of new combinations or changes in market development and production. Listed are the basic concepts of its nature and different understandings of it in a wide and narrow sense of the technological, business, consumer, marketing and public point of view. On the basis of this, there is a general understanding of innovation as the realisation and putting into practice of something new, leading to a change in the business activity, people’s lives and the development of society. Presented are the characteristic of innovation as an activity, process and result and the classification of different types of innovations.
Key Words: innovation, novelty, innovation activity, innovation process

Razvoj je posvećen inovacijama. Osnivač teorije inovacija Jozef Šumpeter inovacije povezuje sa preduzetničkim aktivnostima i definiše ih kao stvarenje novih kombinacija ili promena u razvoju tržišta i proizvodnje. Navedeni su osnovni koncepti prirode inovacija i shvatanje da se u širem i užem smislu posmatraju sa tehnološkog, poslovnog, potrošačkog, marketing i javnog aspekta. Na osnovu ovog dato je opšte razmatranje inovacija, kao realizacije i praktikovanja nečeg novog što dovodi do promena u poslovnoj aktivnosti, ljudskim životima i razvoju društva. Naznačena je karaktersitika inovacje kao aktivnosti, procesa i rezultata, kao i izvršena klasifikacija različitih vrsta inovacija.
Ključne reči: inovacija, novina, inovaciona aktivnost, inovacioni proces