Vol.8, No 3, 2011 pp. 263 - 273
UDC 330.342
Marija Džunić
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia

Although economic theory has recently been enriched with numerous studies of the effects that trust produces on various economic outcomes, the research of the sources and main determinants of trust has been neglected. The paper deals with both individual and aggregate determinants of trust, implying that the key factors that promote trust are specific economic and institutional conditions in a given country. Special importance for stimulating trust is ascribed to institutions of a market economy, primarily legal structure and protection of property rights, which create the necessary legal framework for the realization of economic transactions. The paper also focuses on particularly significant type of trust – trust in formal institutions, concluding that it is strongly determined by the citizens’ perceptions of the quality and performance of state institutions. Finally, some strategies for promoting trust both in economic partners and the state institutions are proposed.
Key Words: trust, institutions, economic performance

Iako je ekonomska teorija u poslednje vreme obogaćena brojnim studijama o efektima koje poverenje ispoljava na različite ekonomske ishode, istraživanje izvora i suštinskih determinanti poverenja je bilo zapostavljeno. U radu se analiziraju individualne i agregatne determinante poverenja, ukazujući na to da su ključni faktori jačanja poverenja zapravo specifični ekonomski i institucionalni uslovi u konkretnoj privredi. Poseban značaj za stimulisanje poverenja pridaje se institucijama tržišne privrede, prvenstveno pravnom sistemu i sistemu zaštite svojinskih prava, koji kreiraju neophodan pravni okvir za realizaciju ekonomskih transakcija. Posebna pažnja posvećena je poverenju u formalne institucije, kao posebno značajnoj vrsti poverenja, koje je determinisano percepcijama građana o kvalitetu i performansama državnih institucija. Konačno, predložene su moguće strategije za jačanje poverenja kako u ekonomske partnere, tako i u državne institucije.
Ključne reči: poverenje, institucije, ekonomske performanse