Vol.8, No 2, 2011 pp. 153 - 163
UDC 330.342(497.11) 339.92(4-672EU:497.11)
Petar Veselinović1, Dalibor Miletić2
1Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, pveselinovic@kg.ac.rs
2Graduate School of Business Studies, Zajecar, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia
dalibor.miletic@vsmbz.edu.rs, dalibor.miletic@gmail.com
In recent decades, the integration processes in Europe, have had a strong influence on macroeconomic dynamics and changes in the sectoral structure of economies of the countries that are involved in them. There are significant differences in the economic structure of EU member countries and especially countries in transition. The strategic objective of the Republic of Serbia, late transition country, is the EU membership. The economic structure of Serbia, or the participation of industries and sectors in the formation of domestic product, has not significantly been changed in the last three decades. In future, Serbia needs a modern economic development, which involves the development of prosperous sectors and industries that have the appropriate level of demand. The restructuring of the Serbian economy to market principles will contribute to the economic inclusion of Serbia into the European development processes. The aim of this paper is to point to the necessity of structural adjustment of Serbian economy to contemporary business conditions, on the path of EU accession.
Key Words: economy of Serbia, restructuring, sectoral reallocation, integration, EU

Poslednjih decenija, integracioni procesi u Evropi, imali su snažan uticaj na makroekonomsku dinamiku i promene u sektorskoj strukturi privreda, zemalja koje su u njih uključene. Prisutne su značajne razlike u privrednoj strukturi zemalja članica EU i naročito zemalja u tranziciji. Strateški cilj Republike Srbije, zemlje zakasnele tranzicije, je članstvo u Evropskoj Uniji. Privredna struktura Srbije, odnosno učešće privrednih grana i sektora u formiranju domaćeg proizvoda, nije značajnije izmenjena u poslednje tri decenije. U narednom periodu, neophodan je moderan razvoj privrede, koji podrazumeva razvoj prosperitetnih sektora i grana privrede koje imaju odgovarajući nivo tražnje. Prestrukturiranje privrede Srbije na tržišnim osnovama doprineće ekonomskom uključivanju Srbije u evropske razvojne procese. Upravo je cilj ovog rada da ukaže na neophodnost strukturnog prilagođavanja privrede Srbije savremenim uslovima poslovanja, na putu pridruženja EU.
Ključne reči: ekonomija Srbije, prestrukturiranje, sektorska realokacija, integracija, Europian Union