Vol.8, No 1, 2011 pp. 83 - 89
UDC 332.1(4-12)
Gorica Bošković1, Aleksandra Jovanović2
1Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia
2National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, European Integration Unit, Belgrade
All the countries of Southeast Europe face serious problems because they are affected by global economic crisis, but at the same time, they state membership in the European Union as their main goal. On the one hand, industrial and overall economic development is different and uneven in all of the countries of the Region, with many different factors that cause these inequalities.
On the other hand, different factors influence the strengthening of local and regional industrial development, which requires different support programs of the individual states.
However, SEE countries are still not fully exploiting the opportunities opened by the CEFTA 2006, which is one of the reasons why they are lagging behind in regional, industrial and overall economic development.
This paper aims to identify and clarify the main problems and certain actions that should be done in the countries of Southeastern Europe, in order to strengthen the development of industry in those countries and thus affect the promotion of trade in the region of CEFTA 2006. This would create conditions for business improvement, proportionally to the total industrial and regional (economic) development of these countries and speed up their process of joining the EU.
Key Words: CEFTA 2006, European Union, Regional development, Industry

Sve zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope se suočavaju sa ozbiljnim problemima jer su pogođene svetskom ekonomskom krizom ali sve one, istovremeno, ističu kao svoj glavni cilj, članstvo u Evropskoj uniji.
U svim zemljama Regiona ekonomski razvoj je različit i nejednak, pri čemu su brojni i različiti faktori uzročnici tih neravnomernosti. Sa druge strane, različiti faktori utiču na jačanje lokalnog i regionalnog ekonomskog razvoja, što iziskuje i različite programe podrške od strane pojedinih država. Međutim, zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope još uvek nisu u punoj meri iskoristile mogućnosti koje otvara CEFTA 2006, što je jedan od razloga zbog čega one zaostaju u regionalnom, industrijskom i ukupnom privrednom razvoju.
Ovaj rad ima za cilj da prepozna i osvetli glavne probleme industrije u regionu i akcije koje treba preduzeti u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope, kako bi se ojačao razvoj industrije i time uticalo na unapređenje trgovinske razmene u regionu CEFTA 2006. Time bi se stvorili uslovi za unapređenje poslovanja, za skladniji regionalni i ukupan industrijski (privredni) razvoj ovih zemalja i za njihovo brže priključivanje Evropskoj uniji.
Ključne reči: CEFTA 2006, Jugoistočna Evropa, Evropska unija, regionalni razvoj, industrija