Vol.8, No 1, 2011 pp. 15 - 29
UDC 336.7:368
Borko Krstić1, Nevenka Vojvodić-Miljković2, Dejan Mandić3
1Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia
2Razvojna Banka Vojvodine a.d, Novi Sad, Serbia
3Delta Generali Osiguranje, Belgrade, Serbia
In difficult conditions of the global economic crisis, the insurance market manages to grow faster than the long-term global gross domestic product (GDP). Traditional barriers between banking and insurance are being increasingly lowered in the last few decades. This is a result of deregulation and liberalization of the financial services market, as well as a consequence of the appearance of giant financial companies capable of rendering a wide range of financial services. Banking distribution of insurance products is growing faster than traditional sales channels both in the developed and in developing countries, first in life and recently in non-life insurance classes. Bank life insurance is strongly developed in some European countries and has reached high market shares, such as in France and Portugal. Bancassurance is also becoming a major component of the distribution system primarily of life insurance in developing countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, stimulated by the expansion of mortgage and consumer loans. In the past few years, bancassurance has been developing in Serbia, where it maintains an upward trend as a sales channel. In the near future, especially with the opening of new bank credit lines and the introduction of tax incentives by the state, this sales channel may bring significant benefits both to banks and insurance companies, as well as to clients in the form of offering all-in-one financial services aimed at saving time, lowering commissions and allowing premium.
Key Words: bancassurance, bank, insurance, banking products

U teškim uslovima svetske ekonomske krize tržište osiguranja uspeva da se razvija brže od dugoročnog svetskog bruto društvenog proizvoda (BDP). Tradicionalne barijere između bankarstva i osiguranja se sve više gube u poslednjih nekoliko decenija. Ovo je rezultat deregulacije i liberalizacije tržišta finansijskih usluga, ali i pojave gigantskih finansijskih kompanija sposobnih da pruže širok spektar finansijskih usluga. Bankarska distribucija proizvoda osiguranja raste brže od tradicionalnih kanala prodaje, u razvijenim zemljama, ali i zemljama u razvoju, najpre u životnim, a odskora i u neživotnim vrstama osiguranja. Životno bankarsko-osiguranje se snažno razvilo u pojedinim zemljama Evrope i dostiglo visoke tržišne udele, kao npr. u Francuskoj i Portugaliji. Bankoosiguranje (engl.bancassurance) takođe postaje glavna komponenta sistema distribucije pre svega životnih osiguranja u zemljama u razvoju, naročito u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi, podstaknuto ekspanzijom hipotekarnih i potrošačkih kredita. Bankoosiguranje se zadnjih godina sve više razvija i u Srbiji, gde kao kanal prodaje beleži uzlazni trend. U bliskoj budućnosti, naročito sa otvaranjem novih kreditnih linija banaka i uvođenjem poreskih podsticaja od strane države, ovaj kanal prodaje može doneti značajne koristi kako bankama tako i osiguravajućim kompanijama, ali i samim klijentima u vidu ponude finansijskih usluga tipa "sve u jednom" uz uštedu vremena, niže provizije i premije.
Ključne reči: bankoosiguranje, banka, osiguranje, bankarski proizvodi