Vol.8, No 1, 2011 pp. 1 - 13
UDC 005.35      347.72.032
Nadica Figar1, Vladimir Figar2
1Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia
2Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English, University of Niš, Serbia

This paper deals with the corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of the modern stakeholder theory. The aim of the paper is to point out the main characteristic of this theory, which is that the corporation and all of its stakeholders make up the stakeholder system. In this system, there are no "big" or "small" stakeholders, but they are all relevant, since each can bring either great benefits or great harm to the corporation. In addition, the stakeholder system does not contain bivalent relations alone, but multivalent relations as well. Multivalent relations have the effect of synergy, which makes the process of managing stakeholders more complex.
Society, through government and the local and wider community, represents only one of the corporate stakeholders. Towards the society, as well as towards all other stakeholders, the corporation has: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. In modern stakeholder theory, these dimensions are integrated into the global business strategy of the corporation, and in practice they appear as social initiatives (SI). Through SIs, the corporation performs its legal (legitimate) business and at the same integrates ethics and philanthropy into it, which bring it competitive advantage. This way, the society becomes an equal stakeholder with the suppliers, investors, employees and customers.
Key Words: corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, stakeholder system, pyramid of social responsibility, house of social responsibility

U radu se obrađuje korporativna društvena odgovornost (KDO) u kontekstu savremene teorije stejkholdera. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na osnovnu karakteristiku ove teorije, odnosno da korporacija i svi njeni stejkholderi čine stejkholder sistem. U tom sistemu nema "velikih" i "malih" stejkholdera, već su svi relevantni, pošto svako može da donese korporaciji i velike koristi, i veliku štetu. Pored toga, u stejkholder sistemu ne postoje samo dvovalentne relacije, već i multiple. Multiple relacije proizvode sinergetske efekte, pa zato proces upravljanja stejkholderima čine složenijim.
Društvo, preko vlade i lokalne i šire zajednice, predstavlja samo jednog od stejkholdera korporacije. Kao prema svim ostalim stejkholderima, tako i prema društvu, korporacija ima: ekonomsku, zakonsku, etičku i filantropsku odgovornost. U savremenoj teoriji stejkholdera, ove dimenzije su integrisane u globalnu poslovnu strategiju korporacije, a u praksi se ispoljavaju kao društvene inicijative (DI). Preko DI korporacija obavlja svoj legalni (zakonit) biznis i istovremeno u njega integriše etiku i filantropiju, koji joj donose konkurentsku prednost. Društvo na taj način postaje ravnopravan stejkholder sa dobavljačima, investitorima, zaposlenima i kupcima .
Ključne reči: korporativna društvena odgovornost, stejkholderi, stejkholder sistem, piramida društvene odgovornosti, kuća društvene odgovornosti