Vol.7, No 4, 2010 pp. 361 - 372
UDC 005.44:316
Petar Hafner, Nevenka Vojvodić-Miljković
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia
petar.hafner@eknfak.ni.ac.rs, nevenka.vojvodic@gmail.com

Globalization, especially the economic globalization, mainly based on a neoliberal economic logic and profit at all costs, has created conditions for strengthening the paradox of ever greater and faster technological and information development on one hand, and on the other, increased the number of those to whom these advantages are not available. The historical and current gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, class and economic inequalities within and between countries are becoming deeper, thus undermining the possibility of achieving equitable and sustainable development for all. The paradoxes of globalization are reflected in the splendor and squalor of modern society, in the emergence of rich and poor societies, in intensifying the social and ecological crisis, in the development of subordination and domination processes, in the rise of the present-time crisis and crisis of the future. Such concept of development that increases the discrimination of marginalized groups especially affects women, as reflected in their growing exposure to poverty, exploitation and social exclusion. The achievement of gender equality, poverty reduction and other MDGs of the UN by 2015 would not be possible without the application of a development concept based on respect, promotion and protection of human rights, increased quality of life and sustainable development.
Key Words: quality of life concept, globalization – sociological aspect, paradoxes of globalization

Globalizacija, posebno ekonomska globalizacija, pretežno zasnovana na neoliberalnoj ekonomskoj logici i ostvarenju profita po svaku cenu, stvara uslove za jačanje paradoksa u vidu sve većeg i bržeg tehnološkog i informatičkog razvoja, s jedne strane, i povećanja broja onih kojima su ove pogodnosti nedostupne. Produbljuju se istorijske i postojeće nejednakosti po polnoj, rasnoj, etničkoj, nacionalnoj, klasnoj i ekonomskoj osnovi unutar i između država, podrivajući mogućnost ostvarivanja pravičnog i održivog razvoja za sve. Paradoksi globalizacije ogledaju se u sjaju i bedi savremenog društva, nastajanju društva obilja i sromašnih društava, produbljivanju socijalne i ekološke krize, razvijanju procesa potčinjavanja i dominacije, pojavi krize sadašnjosti i krize budućnosti. Ovakav koncept razvoja koji povećava diskriminaciju marginalizovanih grupa naročito pogađa žene, što se ogleda u njihovoj sve većoj izloženosti siromaštvu, eksploataciji i društvenoj isključenosti. Ostvarivanje rodne ravnopravnosti, smanjenje siromaštva i drugih Milenijumskih ciljeva UN do 2015. godine nije moguće bez primene koncepcije razvoja zasnovane na poštovanju, unapređenju i zaštiti ljudskih prava, porastu kvaliteta života i održivom razvoju.
Ključne reči: koncept kvaliteteta života, globalizacija–socioliški aspekt, paradoksi globalizacije