Vol.7, No 1, 2010 pp. 1 - 15
UDC 338.124.4:339.93(497.11)
Milan Stamatović1, Savo Radonjić2,
Ana Anufrijev2*
1Faculty for Management Studies, Novi
Sad, Serbia
2Alfa University, Belgrade, Serbia
The most common causes of crisis are usually big credit expansions. The
current global economic crisis, which, without exaggeration can be construed
as crises of the West, was created in the center of the world's financial
system and in this sense is special compared to the previous one which
marked the twentieth century on one hand, and similar to that of 1929 on
the other. The share of the US, EU and Asia in the global financial sector
losses 57% and respectively 39% and 4%. Serbia was a marginal player on
the world stage and the big blow was referred to the crisis. The general
conclusion is not at all optimistic because indicators will move the business
climate in Serbia and in the future there will be an almost identical trend
in the EU, so that the changes in Serbia for the most part depend on the
momentum that will be coming to EU markets.
Finally, the transition in the Western Balkans is at the same time
both an economic and a political process. All economies of the Western
Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia
and Albania) reported negative effects on macroeconomic indicators as a
consequence of the economic crisis, but they are on the way to EU membership,
even though each of these countries varies in degrees of accession.
Due to many problems that Sebia is facing, due to the aforementioned
problems in the economic arena, but also because of the numerous political
problems, which can not be ignored, Serbia will soon be able to become
part of the big European family. In a situation where it is more than necessary
to absorb the effects of the global economic crisis, it is of crucial importance
for Serbia to approach the EU carefully, fulfilling criteria for joining.
Specifically, the effects of a possible "Quick admission" would have multiple
negative economic consequences and in this case would be more than just
the desire for connection.
Key Words: Global economic crisis, competitiveness, European
Union, Western Balkans, free trade zone, trade policy
Najčešći uzroci nastanka kriza uglavnom su zebeleženi velikim kreditnim
ekspanzijama. Aktuelna globalna ekonomska kriza, koja se bez preterivanja
može tumačiti i kao kriza Zapada, nastala je u središtu svetskog finansijskog
sistema i u tom smislu je posebna u odnosu na prethodne koje su obeležile
XX vek sa jedne strane, ali i slična onoj iz 1929. god. sa druge strane.
Procenjuje se da je udeo u SAD, EU i Aziji u gubitku svetskog finansijskog
sektora 57% i respektivno 39% i 4%. Srbija iako je marginalni igrač na
svetskoj sceni, pod velikim je udarom pomenute krize. Opšti zaključak
nije nimalo optimističan jer će kretanje indikatora poslovne klime u
Srbiji u budućnosti biti gotovo istovetno trendu u EU, tako da će promene
u Srbiji u najvećoj meri zavisiti od impulsa koji budu stizali sa tržišta
Najzad, tranzicija u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana predstavlja istovremeno
i ekonomski i politički proces. Sve ekonomije zemalja Zapadnog Balkana
(Srbija, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, BiH, BJR Makedonija i Albanija) beleže negativne
efekte u makroekonomskim pokazateljima kao posledicu ekonomske krize, ali
su i na putu ka članstvu u EU, iako je svaka od pomenutih zemalja na različitom
stepenu pristupanja.
Usled mnogobrojnih zadataka koji stoje pred Srbijom, usled pomenutih
problema na ekonomskoj sceni, ali i usled brojnih političkih problema,
koji se ne smeju zanemariti, Srbija neće moći uskoro da postane deo velike
evropske porodice. U situaciji kada je više nego neophodno amortizovati
efekte svetske ekonomske krize, za Srbiju je od ključnog značaja da EU
pristupa oprezno, uz ispunjenje zadatih kriterijuma za priključenje. Naime,
efekti eventualnog "brzog" prijema bili bi višestruko negativni i ekonomske
posledice u tom slučaju bile bi veće od same želje za priključenjem.
Ključne reči: Globalna ekonomska kriza, konkurentnost, Evropska
Unija, Zapadni Balkan, zona slobodne trgovine, trgovinska politika