Vol.6, No 3, 2009 pp. 261- 267
UDC 330.342:338.124.4
Miroslav Djordjević1, Sonja Stoiljković2
1Faculty of Economics Kragujevac,
2Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
djordjevickg53@gmail.com, sonja555@ptt.rs

Although globalization has never ceased to be a subject of economic debate, today more than ever this process provided evidence to those who doubted the power of transmission of the globalization effects across the globe. Despite positive effects of globalization, growing negative implications of the process have experienced a peak of negativity when the crisis occurred worldwide. "Debtors" of the crisis have not become only those who led to it (the USA); the negative trend quickly transferred to all dependent economies and also to those economies that are still on their unfinished transition path, as our country. Therefore it is necessary to consider how the global economic crisis affected economies in the process of transition, in terms of slowing growth and reform, and also to define measures on the global and local level that should be taken to reduce the effects of the crisis.
Key Words:  Globalization, the effects of globalization, crisis, transition

Iako globalizacija nikada nije prestala da bude tema ekonomskih rasprava, danas je više nego ikad pružila dokaz onima koji su sumnjali u snagu prenosa posledica ovog procesa širom planete. Naime, i pored pozitivnih efekata globalizacije, rastuće negativne implikacije procesa doživele su svoj vrhunac eksplozijom krize svetskih razmera. Kako "dužnici" krize nisu postali samo oni koji su do nje i doveli (SAD), negativan trend se brzo preneo na sve ekonomski zavisne ekonomije, ali i one privrede koje su još uvek na nedovršenom tranzicionom putu, poput naše zemlje. Upravo iz tog razloga neophodno je sagledati kako je globalna ekonomska kriza uticala na tranzitorne privrede, u vidu usporavanja reformi i rasta, kao i koje korake na globalnom i lokalnom nivou treba preduzeti kako bi se efekti krize umanjili.
Ključne reči: globalizacija, efekti globalizacije, kriza, tranzicija