Vol.6, No 1, 2009 pp. 75 - 88
Jelena Petrović
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Department of Geography and Tourism, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Price differentiation is a practice of charging different prices for identical goods to different consumers or groups of consumers where price variations are not justified by variations in expenses. Their implementation enables a sales person to charge buyers with the prices that arise from their readiness to pay for the goods. In that way, not only can sales persons maximize their profit but buyers can also have benefit because more goods are offered to a greater number of people (goods production otherwise would not be profitable and people would not be able to afford them then). The author pays special attention to the analysis of the way air companies can apply price i.e. tariff differentiation for the purpose of surviving and developing in the circumstances where low-cost companies originate and develop.
Key Words:
Price differentiation, tariff, low-cost air companies
Diferenciranje cena je praksa naplate različitih cena za identična dobra različitim potrošačima ili grupama potrošača, gde razlike u ceni nisu opravdane razlikama u troškovima. Njihova primena omogućava prodavcu da naplati kupcima cene koje proizilaze iz njihove spremnosti da plate za robu. Na taj način prodavci mogu da maksimiziraju svoj profite, ali i kupci da ostvare korist jer se nudi više robe većem broju ljudi (proizvodnja dobara drugačije ne bi bila profitabilna i ljudi tada ne bi mogli da ih priušte sebi). Autor posebnu pažnju posvećuje analizi primene diferenciranja cena odnosno tarifa od strane tradicionalnih avio-kompanija radi njihovog opstanka i razvoja u uslovima nastanka i razvoja low-cost kompanija.
Ključne reči:
diferenciranje cena, tarifa, low-cost avio-kompanije.